Support Stacie Update

Aug 25, 2008 23:22

A couple of quick notes:

1) was down or a bit, but the website is back up for those of you who were asking about it.  Sorry for that!

2) A Fanfic-On-Demand fundraiser is in the works for friends of Stacie.  The gist of the project is that authors in any fandom are invited to write a short fic on demand. The highest bidder gets to deliver the fic challenge to the author they've "won," along with the story's pairing, the rating, and other pertinent details (within reason and within the author's stated fandom and limitations - i.e., some authors prefer not to write smut).  The author will be given up to 30 days to finish the fic, beginning with the day that payment is received.  Details will be forthcoming, but if you are interested in being one of the authors, please let me know!  This will be a fun project designed to challenge the author and entertain their fans while raising money for a great cause.

3) Here's the latest from truelovepooh  's LJ (with her permission):

Once again I find myself trying to decide if I should post about the same crapola you all have to see on my LJ all the time. Since I don't get to speak to alot of you as much as I would like lately I've decided to go ahead and let you know here what's going on.

Over the last 2 weeks I've been getting tests done, the results came back and I went in to discuss the next step in my treatment plan. I'm still trying to figure out some of it, but I can tell what I understand so far

The tumor they were worried about is not gone, however it is ALOT smaller, so small in fact they had a hard time finding it. This was great news, however they discovered 3 other small tumors. Very small. But still there. I'm going to be on Chemo pills for a year straight. I need 12 Radiation Treatments also in a year. It's not the worst news, at all. I'm just tired. The hospital is stressing on me with the money factor, and I'm very tired of worrying about that on top of everything else. One more year of this...oy.

supportstacie, fanfic, author auction, help, friends

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