Thanks re: my layout! ;-D Have you started watching Doctor Who yet? It's amazing to me how many former Roswellians I keep finding in the Whoverse!
I'm rather surprised LJ is dumping the basic accounts at a time when facebook and myspace are so overwhelmingly popular and FREE. The Plus account they've left us with means you have to have ads on your LJ page - something I tried and hated.
I'm really torn about how I feel on the DH split! I mentioned to Amber (points below) that I think my ambivalence is because I'm not a big David Yates fan. He's made so many comments that tell me he doesn't see the series the same way as me at ALL. In fact, rather than starting work (like I should) or dumping a big Yates rant on you (which you never asked for!), I should go start a post reviewing the reasons I'm not a DY fan. Maybe that'll help me get over it, LOL!
Bottom line for me, I guess, is that if he does this right, I'll be ecstatic. Because everything they're saying about splitting up the book makes sense - if it's done right. How's that for being definitely, positively uncertain? ;-p
I've still only seen a handful of the Dr. Who's, but that's more because I just haven't had the time to sit down and watch them in a row. I've loved a few of the eps I've seen.
Maybe LJ doesn't care about appeal so much because they've still got Vox which is free? They're still affiliated, aren't they? Though I signed up for a Vox account and basically haven't visited since... which so far as I've seen has been the trend. *shrugs*
It's another blogging site, also parented by Six Apart. It's easier to embed multimedia, etc, and it's supposed to be a more "social" blogging sphere, but it's a completely different system, so it's kind of difficult to get around.
I'm rather surprised LJ is dumping the basic accounts at a time when facebook and myspace are so overwhelmingly popular and FREE. The Plus account they've left us with means you have to have ads on your LJ page - something I tried and hated.
I'm really torn about how I feel on the DH split! I mentioned to Amber (points below) that I think my ambivalence is because I'm not a big David Yates fan. He's made so many comments that tell me he doesn't see the series the same way as me at ALL. In fact, rather than starting work (like I should) or dumping a big Yates rant on you (which you never asked for!), I should go start a post reviewing the reasons I'm not a DY fan. Maybe that'll help me get over it, LOL!
Bottom line for me, I guess, is that if he does this right, I'll be ecstatic. Because everything they're saying about splitting up the book makes sense - if it's done right. How's that for being definitely, positively uncertain? ;-p
Maybe LJ doesn't care about appeal so much because they've still got Vox which is free? They're still affiliated, aren't they? Though I signed up for a Vox account and basically haven't visited since... which so far as I've seen has been the trend. *shrugs*
What's Vox?
It's another blogging site, also parented by Six Apart. It's easier to embed multimedia, etc, and it's supposed to be a more "social" blogging sphere, but it's a completely different system, so it's kind of difficult to get around.
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