Spammy McSpamalot

Jun 07, 2009 15:59

I apologize for single-handledly making your flist move today in advance, but I have a couple of very important announcements:
  • Lacking adequate supervision today, I am using power tools1
  • Where did I find power tools, you ask? Well, for my 5-year anniversary at the job, I ordered them as my token of appreciation. I was going to get the BBQ smoker, but then I put on 20 closet doors with a regular screwdriver and had to keep on calling cutenyeboi to come to my rescue with drill bits, so I caved and got a very nice, ladylike kit.
  • I'm tentatively claiming the evening of July 3rd for the housewarming/pool party--mark your calendars, more details soon
  • Various neuroses are manifesting. For instance, I made us eat all the nice portion-sized leftover meals from the deep freeze before we moved, and I now have to cook like a crazy woman because there are no food stores in the house and my psyche can't cope with this state of affairs.
  • Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb! Rhubarb season has started! There will be rhubarb & peach crumble at some point this evening
Now off to put some art on the walls!

1Usually someone takes tools away before I can do damage to myself. In fact, since the incident in which I lost about 50% of the use of my right hand2, people get nervous when I pick up a utility knife. And we shall not talk about how I almost stabbed myself in the throat with a Phillips screwdriver about two weeks ago...
2It's fine, I'm left-handed, and I did learn how to type about 60 words/minute using one hand. It's like a circus act. People come from all over the place to see it.
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