progress, then nothing

Aug 08, 2009 08:23

Why oh why am I so good at starting things, but not so much finishing? Cases in point:

1. I started making our curtains the beginning of Jan. Ran into a few snaffus. Still no curtains. This one is easy: fear, and scheduling. I literally can't do it myself (too much material to go through the sewing machine I only have a little idea how to use.)

2. Exercise. I have the motivation in my mind. I do well for about 3 days, then BAM. Nothing.

3. Many manuscripts that I can't seem to get to work. Nuff said.

4. I've done SO well with Laurie Halse Anderson's challenge to write 15 minutes a day. I've actually stuck to this one. But it's only been 8 days. After today, we'll be on vacation, with no computer access. Another good start, but no finish. Maybe if I keep blathering for 15 minutes, I can at least say I lasted more than a week on this one??

Got some REALLY disappointing news on a MS this week. Sent it out again, so we shall see. Ah... the waiting. I can always give you an excuse why I don't have things submitted places. Perhaps that's my calling: Professional Excuse Provider (works for exercise, lack of a clean house - almost anything really.) Call me if you require my services, but be warned... this profession could also be short lived (see the first sentence of this post).
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