"Excuse me sir, but your *foot* is on my *seat*."

Dec 24, 2003 22:33

Oh wow. ROTK was... beautiful. I have no words to describe it. The only thing I can say is... if you haven't seen it yet, go. Just... yes.

Well, I think I can truthfully say that that's the most crowded theater I've ever been in in my life--"crowded" being a relative term, of course. I'd say that there were about fifty-sixty people in the theater, and Norbert and I (mostly) got the center seats, and because people are polite and funny like that, we had a two-seat radius of people not sitting. :D Well, sort of. About five minutes before the movie, some guy came and sat in the seat directly to my right (Norbert was to my left), despite the fact that there were about five empty seats to my right... eh, I thought that he probably wanted to be as close to the center as possible, so I didn't pay much attention. The movie started, and then I feel something on the corner of my seat... hmm, it's this guy's foot. He's sitting cross-legged and apparently is sleeping (????). Weird. Anyway, I don't pay much attention to it until Gandalf and the others meet up with Pippin and Merry again, because then I feel something moving and touching my leg. It's the guy's foot again. I keep thinking he'll stop twitching in his sleep or whatever, but I got fed up when Pippin found the Palantir. I basically pushed him over, shot him the glare of death, and he moved. o_o Weird little pervert.

WHY did they cut Denethor down into an evil little gluttonous... evilman?? He used to be at least SEMI-cool in the books, and now he's all... ech. I mean, Peter Jackson takes away any respect we could have had at all for movie!Denethor through the acting, the lines... and especially through Gandalf just coming and clunking him on the head. Reducing a noble character to a laughable madman. Bah.

Éowyn's scene with the Witch-King of Angmar was... good enough, and I would've accepted it if they had treated the scene with more respect and didn't chop it in half with Legolas killing the Oliphaunt. Yeah, sure, Legolas = sk8er elf, but what about the drama?? The tension?? Éowyn's killing of the Witch-King was supposed to be the climax of the battle. PJ loves the fight scenes, though, and just can't resist drawing out the tension (almost wearily, imho) by having them go and destroy Minas Tirith first... bah.

Why is it that everyone in my audience laughed at the stupid things (Gandalf knocking out Denethor, Gollum latching onto an invisible Frodo--there was even a little girl behind me who laughed at an orc with a skull on his helmet), but never when there was actually something remotely hilarious? (e.g., Denethor as the human fireball, Captain Obvious's "Ah! A diversion!", etc...) Maybe my audience was just very slow-witted.

Elrond coming to see Aragorn. What was up with that. This was what it was in my mind:
ELROND: OMG WTF j00 l0zer. You're going to die, yep. But hey, here's the sword that we were supposed to give you before you went and almost died a billion times, have fun.
ARAGORN: This is the same sword I've been carrying all the time. You just chipped some runes into it.
ELROND: Shut up. Arwen's dying because of blah blah Ring Disease, similar to Hoof and Mouth except that I blame you. And you're going to die, did I mention that? So go talk to some dead people, and wash your hair.
ARAGORN: Fine. Bastage.
... Or maybe I'm just a hate-filled girl. But anyway.

So many slashy scenes in that movie. Well, slash-potential scenes. Don't Go Where I Can't Follow, Sam carrying Frodo, Sam pitifully sobbing when Frodo leaves him, The Forehead Kiss (omg a forehead kiss!!--which lasted a few seconds longer than needed?)... bwahah. But besides the slash-potential, PJ did a really, really good job with Frodo and Sam's journey into Mordor... it made up for his butchery of the other scenes (which, while well-directed, still make me feel the righteous anger of a Tolkien (semi-)Purist).

The ending was really awesome, too... wonderfully done. (but Éowyn and Faramir!! what happened to that little subplot? It's just like, ahah, they're standing next to each other at the wedding! What is THIS supposed to mean! but in other news.) I know that some people probably felt that it was too long, but I liked it. :o)

I know that Frodo's supposed to be the title character, but Sam seemed to be... the hero in this movie. Whilst Frodo was angsting and looking high, Sam was... whee! They even portrayed him as the hero, a little bit. Think back to when Shelob was about to eat Frodo, and out Sam comes striding out with Sting in one hand and the Phial in the other, saying "Don't you dare touch him!!" Man. Just... whee.

Tear-jerker scenes for me:
* Theoden rousing the Riders of Rohan. Just seeing them rise over the ridge of the hill, with the sun behind them, and then hearing the warcry (which, imho, was one of the most dramatic parts in the book)--"Death! Ride to death and the world's ending!" It's just... wow.
* Faramir. ;_; Or rather, Faramir confronting his father about loving Boromir more AND Pippin singing while we watch Faramir try to fight for his father... Faramir. ;_;.
* ... and probably more... Well, I was steeling myself for the Frodo and Sam things, and the lighting of the beacons didn't make me cry because they had so many airplane-100-feet-off-the-ground shots that... I couldn't quite enjoy it without thinking "AHHH THE HEIGHTS!!"

So. Yes. Good movie. *nod*

So in conclusion, if you're an arachnophobe AND an acrophobe... well, still see the movie, but be prepared to be scared out of your life. (I kept thinking of you, smako, during the Shelob scene). Plus, this condensed parody ROTK script is funny--especially her rendition of the Elrond-Aragorn scene; it's better than mine. :D

And then, after the movie, I got lost in the mall for about two seconds, went home, ate dinner, killed things in StarCraft, and haven't signed on AIM yet. Yeah, that's my day, pretty much.

Have a nice Christmas Eve :o)
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