MOD POST: It doesn't count as an abuse of power if everyone else enjoys it, too

Jun 24, 2011 13:23

Homeboys what is UP! This is the good mod fighting the good fight and stopping by with an announcement or two.

Okay, so, considering that while summer is indeed super awesome fun times, it's also a bit busier than everyone seems to recall! It's a vicious cycle. You remember last summer as relaxing and fun and bikinis and pool parties GALORE while conveniently blocking out the summer classes driving your useless family members around watching younger members of your family during family reunions and cursing your very existence as your aunt covers your ugly mug in horrible smelly kisses. This is because eventually autumn will come, followed by winter, and during the bitter harshness of never-ending snow your mind recalls all the good stuff about summer, because if you despair any more you won't make it to another barbecue or wet t-shirt contest. So then spring comes, and finally summer, and it's not at all like last summer, you bastards, because last summer there couldn't have been so many hangovers and sunburns and smelly aunt kisses, it just does not compute! But there were, and there will continue to be, for summers eternal, like a poorly-directed and shoddily edited version of Groundhog's Day, except you get older and you probably don't get the girl in the end.

Or get laid.

SO! In light of such dire circumstances, I am considering extending the GinZura Fictaganza to the end of July! Enough time for you to avoid crazy aunts as well as maybe beat up on some punk cousins and steal their video games AND get a fic or two in!

And let's be honest, at this rate I would be giving only one or two prizes to community members and giving the rest to oopsipuked, and I am not a fan of giving him things like prizes. Or dignity. Or the time of day.

Comments? Questions? Opinions? Let me hear 'em!

!durr hurr hurr, *ginzura fictaganza, !mod post

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