
Oct 23, 2009 12:58

Hello everyone!
This is my first post here, so only want to share the GinZura Doujinshi I scanned for those who doesn't have them yet.
I already posted them to the gintama community.

Name: 【suki tokimeki to kiss】
Artist/circle: haim hinode/gindama explorer
Pairing: GintokixZura
Warnings: soft shonen-ai (they are childs!)
Download from Megaupload

Name: 【けだるき一日生きるだけ】(kedaruki|tsuitachi iki rudake ...well I'm not sure about this)
Artist/circle: haim hinode/gindama explorer
Pairing: GintokixZura
Scans by: me, sorry no high quality
download from Megaupload

Raw Doujinshi
Name:たまさか1 tamasaka1
Artist:すだこランド sudakoland
Warnings:none (well, it's only shonen-ai)
Scans by: me
Download from Megaupload

It's a very lovely doujinshi about Gintoki, Katsura and Takasugi.
I also have volume 2-5 and  more stuff from haim hinode/gintama explorer

If anyone want to translate it, let me know(!!!)
[If you like a this doujinshis you should support the artist and buy it]

As you can see, I'm a big fan of Gintoki and Katsuras childhood, so if you knew a doujinshi (raw oder scanlation) I whould be happy if you tell me where to find it.
Maybe I'll scan more of my GinZura Doujinshi next time.
Does anybody of you have some Doujinshi,too?

fanworks: doujinshi

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