Fuck, this wasn't...

Mar 01, 2009 21:29

...planned, but KAT-TUN on today's NHK Shounen Club was fabulous

Kamenashi finishes singing "Kizuna" with juniors

Koyama: Thank you very much! Well, once again, that was Kamenashi-kun!
Kamenashi: Thanks!
Koyama: Please have a seat. Well, let me introduce our guests for tonight! After all long time, all here together, KAT-TUN!
Nakamaru: Please take a seat.
Koyama: The theme for this time is "memories". Let's listen to your memories about Shounen Club!
Kamenashi: Well, since we've been on Shounen Club since it left that stage and came to this hall...
Koyama/Nakamaru: Yeah, that's right.
Kamenashi: ...in that way, it's a place full of memories. We were entrusted to be the MCs and stuff...
Koki: We were made on Shounen Club.
Koyama: *laughs* What a cool thing to say...
Kamenashi: KAT-TUN was made on Pop Jam, but it as here where we were formed.
Nakamaru: Yeah. Back in the day, it was 101 studio, ne.
Koyama: Yeah, in the studio, we did a lot of fights and stuff, ne. ALl of us, as juniors. Sometimes we use VTRs of Ueda-kun.
Ueda: Oh really?
Koyama: Old VTRs.
Nakamaru: Yeah, yeah.
Ueda: I don't really want you to use those really...
Koki: Taguchi, didn't you do Dajarenjaa?
Koyama: Eh?
Junno: Ah, I did.
Koyama: Dajarenjaa?
Junno: It was Dajaretai ne.
Nakamaru: That lame one.
Koki/Junno: With Inoo-kun.
Koyama: Dajarenjaa? What was that?
Junno: ...eh? You weren't there at that time, Koyama?
Koyama: Eh? I don't really know...
Kamenashi: Koyama, you like dance backup for KAT-TUN before you debuted with NEWS too, right?
Koyama: Yeah, when Koki couldn't perform with you guys, I took his place!
Koki: OH YEAH!
Nakamaru/Junno: Yeah, you did!
Koyama: Yeah, during (Endless) SHOCK, I danced with KAT-TUN! *does the furitsuke*
Kamenashi: If it had gone that way, instead of me, Koyama would be here. *Kamenashi exits off the the left and Koyama is made to sit in his place*
Koyama: Nah, that's not right. *Koyama stands up and ushers Kamenashi back, but Kamenashi seems to trip on the back of Koyama's shoe*
Nakamaru: Kame!
Koyama: ...eh? You didn't really need to do that, did you?
Koki: I even watched the live music show with Koyama in KAT-TUN at home.
Koyama: It's all complicated.
Nakamaru: Wow, nostalgic...
Koki: "Ah... KAT-TUN's so cool..." I thought.
Koyama: But the time danced with you guys, Taguchi messed up.
Junno: Shut up!
Nakamaru: He still messes up, even now.
Koki: Even now he does.
Kamenashi: Taguchi and Koyama, didn't you guys go home together?
Junno: Yeah, our houses were pretty close, ne.
Koyama: Yeah.
Junno: Koyama used to be like, "Can you teach me the dance moves??" and beg for help!
Koki: Are you picking on him? (difficult to hear, not 100%)
Junno: Yeah, I'm picking on him. Sorry, Koyama-san. (difficult to hear, not 100%)
Koyama: Nah, don't worry about it. Taguchi came to my house and taught me the dance moves on the veranda. On my veranda!
Kamenashi: Your house's veranda is that big?!
Koyama: It was big, right??
Junno: It was big.
Koyama: In the middle of the night, we went out and danced, ne.
Junno: We even videotaped it and it was like, "Use this to learn it."
Koyama: You were a good teacher.
Junno: I'm glad.
Kamenashi: Nakamaru-kun, hasn't it been a long time since you've been on Shounen Club?
Nakamaru: Yeah, it has. I was on a lot back in... I'M ON EVERY WEEK, STUPID! Every time.
Kamenashi: Well, it's about time to say, "Stand by..." right? *Kamenashi gets up and exits*
Koyama: Yeah, it's stand by.
Koki: KAT-TUN, please go on stand by.
Koyama: Please.
*everyone from KAT-TUN goes to main stage except Akanishi who remains seated, but Koki then comes to drag him away*
Koyama: Are you lazy? Too lazy to sing??
Akanishi: During the talk, I wasn't able to say anything, so I wanted to say something, so I thought I'd stay behind...
Koyama: Whatever. Go dry your hair! ...alright, please listen to "ONE DROP" and "RESCUE" by KAT-TUN!

Anybody who knows me and what I've been thinking about lately, the exchange between Kamenashi and Koyama had me screaming outright. And then the extra bonus of Koyama and Junno talk and I was one happy little camper indeed. My favorite Johnny's boy and my favorite Johnny's group in a cross-talk? HAPPY HAPPY ECSTATIC FANGIRL RIGHT HERE. :DDDDDDDDD

Koyama should do all of KAT-TUN's MCs. *giddy*

ETA: please do not use my translation to hardsub the MC clip; it was not my original intention for this translation to be used for subtitling purposes. That said, because newshfan will not be subtitling it, I decided to let my friend who was already interested in subtitling it while I had been doing this original translation to use my translation. She is simply waiting on a higher quality release of the episode before she completes the project. Thanks. Find the subtitled version of the clip using my translations with permission HERE at tinyangl's.

koyama keiichiro, kat-tun, translations, nhk shounen club

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