Iron Man Kicks Off Summer Movie Season!!!!

May 04, 2008 11:56

I saw Iron Man on Friday - all I can say is it was really good. I mean it was non-stop even when there was no massive action - the stars kept the movies going like clockwork and the overall movie was just really well done. You couldn't tell when the costume began and where the cgi ended :) And there was some great snappy dialog (that got lost a little when the crowd was laughing). The music was great too :) - Loved every aspect of the movie

PS - Stay til the end of the credits because there is a snipit there - unfortunately if you're not a comic fan you won't really grasp what it's significance is but you'll be sure to be interested in why it's so significant and want to learn more :) - Marvel is lining it up so they are having crossovers of characters - so the new Hulk movie will have a short guest appearance of Tony Stark (Iron Man) etc etc - they are preparing for additional movies with multiple characters :) It's exciting that they seem to have a real plan and they are really calling out to both long-term fans and movie goers in general.

No Dark Knight preview - but a whole lot of other awesome previews :)

Summer Movie Season has officially begun and I'm excited!!!!


The Dark Knight new preview is now available for download
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