A thought to consider, if you will...

Dec 13, 2004 18:09

I've got a simple question out there, and I am dying to get an answer. You see, I'm not very bright, and politics is extremely confusing for me, so anyone who is so much wiser and more informed might be able to answer this questio for me.

The National Guard are the forces that protect our coutry. This means that should war break out on American soil, they, along with the army and what-not, go out to fight, right? So why are we sending them over-fucking-seas to fight, when their job is to protect America? I mean, seriously, is this logical sounding? I'd really appreciate an answer, preferablly a logic-based, polite, even-toned one as opposed to some remark abot me being a traitor to my country, or how I don't support the troops, or that I've got some "liberal agenda" (oh my god, I said "liberal"! What a dirty word!). I simply want to know why?

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