
Nov 16, 2004 23:27

I've been cleaning out my documents and putting things on disk in case my mom goes on another trip with the laptop, and I came across this, which I started filling out a while ago, then forgot about it. So here you go.

First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Harp
Last word you said: "Oh.”
Last song you sang: "Holding Out for a Hero” sung by Jennifer Saunders

What's in your CD player: Liz Phair’s Exile in Guyville
What's under your bed?: My hatbox full of erotica and lingerie, my four sets of slippers, and my nail kit.
What time did you wake up today?: Around 3:30 pm.

Where do you want to go: I want to go London. Live in a nice flat just outside the city.
Where are you going to live: With my luck, here. And in a little apartment.
How many kids do you want: Not sure I want any.
What kind of car will you have: A 1967 Mustang! XD

Current mood: Sleepy, and a little hot. Plus my contact is irritating my eye.
Current music: The Eels’ “I Need Some Sleep”.
Current taste: Chocolate-y.
Current hair: Barely shoulder-length, dark red, kinda poofy at the moment. My kingdom for a brush. XP
Current outfit: Jeans with belted ankles, a black & pink tee with flames, and my university pullover. Yellow duckie socks.
Current annoyance: No job and no cash.
Current smell: Dog.
Current longing: To hug Steve.
Current desktop picture: A screencap from Queer as Folk featuring Brian and Justin at Justin’s prom.
Current book: One For The Money
Current crush: SteveSteveSteveSteve!!! <3
Current time-wasting wish: …
Current hate: Zelda - Ocarina of Time. Goddamm stupid cheat book!

What does your (nick)name mean?: I’ve got two or three nicknames depending on who I’m with. In LJ, it’s “Wynter Kat”, basically my alter-ego of a cat-girl with blue hair, cat ears, eyes, and tail. “Neko-chan” is used primarily by Aki, and just means cat. “Pooh-bear” is my mom’s nickname for me as when I was younger, everything I had was Pooh-oriented.
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?): I’ve got my moments where I’m a Yiddish mother, a recalcitrant child, and an angsty teen. It shifts depending on mood-quakes.
Describe yourself in 5 words: Wild, cunning, manipulative, compassionate, drama-queen.
What are your worst qualities: I’m lazy, I can be mean, or do mean things (despite my intentions to the contrary), and I can be a brat. I’m incredibly stubborn, and take offense to things easily.
How long does it take you get ready in the morning: Heh, mornings are slow periods, so maybe an 45 minutes to an hour (Evenings take 28 minutes, flat, including showering and shaving my legs)

Do you dream at night?: Yes.
Do you remember your dreams?: A good deal of them. Usually any time I have a fairly lucid dream, I use it to fuel a story.
What time do you wake up on weekends?: I try to wake-up before noon. I’m afraid if I sleep any later, I’ll wake up in the morgue with a toe-tag.
Do you sleep with one pillow or two?: I sleep with at least six, because I am a wanton snob. XD

Do you like school?: Short answer, yes. Long answer no, with a but.
Why/why not?: I like learning new stuff, but I hate busy work or anything that doesn’t serve a direct learning purpose. And tests just suck. XP
What's your fave subject?: English, but not necessarily the class I’m taking now.
Most hated subject?: ]Math, period.
Do you have a fave teacher?: Professor Nunnally!
Ever had a crush on a teacher?: Not really. Most of my teachers have been women, though. And I am most definitely straight.

Do you have heaps of friends?: Yes, always in large intersecting cirlces.
Do you have a best friend?: I wouldn’t call them “best” friends, but I have a select few who know who they are.
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?: I’m not sure. It’s fair to say I have a great deal of both
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend?: At points, yes.
Have you ever lied to a friend?: Uh-huh…*sheepish*
Have you ever stolen a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend?: No, but I’ve had one or two interested in me.

Do you like your parents?: Most of the time, I do. Some days, I prefer my dad, others my mum.
Ever run away from home?: Tried to once, but I got scared and came back home.
Ever thought about it?: Yeah, planned it out a bit too.
Do you have any siblings?: Yup, one brother and a stepbrother and stepsister.
Do you feel your parents spoil you?: I think they do, I just don’t recognize it.
Do you not get along with any of your family?: Not necessarily... just some of my family irritates me.  (my answer as well XD)
Do you go to big family get togethers ever?: Only on the holidays and birthdays.

Have you ever been drunk?: Never drunk, but definitely buzzed.
Taken drugs?: Crack is Whack!
Stolen?: Define “stolen”.
Shoplifted?: When I was a kid.
Gotten into a fight?: Yeah, a couple of fistfights as a child.
Are you more innocent or guilty?: I’m guilty until presumed innocent.
Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict?: No, but I have had to take care of some drunks.
Are you racist?: I don’t think I am.
Are you discriminatory to anyone?: At times. I try not to be.
Do you have an open or closed mind to other people's beliefs and feelings?: I try to listen to all sides, but I do take everything with a grain of salt.

What's your fave style of music?: Rock and indie, a lot of different styles blended into one.
Do you play an instrument?: A few, but not very well.
Do you sing?: Yes, albeit badly.
What's your fave band?: I prefer Ani Difranco as an artist, because there are too many great bands out there.
Why?: Her songs are crazy and wild, her lyrics are different, they mean something. I like her voice because it’s not your typical Brittany or Christinaover-the-top vocals.
Name 3 CDs that you've bought in the last month: Lacuna Coil - “Comalize”, HIM - “Razorblade Romance”, and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs - “Fever to Tell”.
Why did you buy them?: Best Buy ‘cause they’re cheap…like your mother.

Are you funny or serious?: I’m funny, but looks and smell aren’t everything…
Creative or not?: Creative, definitely.
Logical thinker or lateral thinker?: Both. I walk a fine line between genius and insanity like a drunk taking a sobriety test.
Are you outgoing or shy?: Outgoing with friends, shyer around new people.
Are you lazy or active?: I am a lazy slut. There, I’ve said it.
Have you ever been hyperactive?: Yeah, but not medically so.
Are you a naturally hyperactive person?: Only when I’m in the mood, so…no.

Are you happy with the way you look?: Eh. I’m okay. Part of me would like to be skinnier, but the part’s being sat on by the part of my who sees my body as a giant “fuck you” to society. Tell me if any of that made sense.
What would you change?: My figure. I’ve got great skin to compensate for having so much of it.
Do you wear makeup regularly?: Yeah. I = Makeup whore.
Do you have a large wardrobe?: Yes, but a lot of it’s shoes.

Embarrassing Moments
Your all time most embarrassing moment?: Puking repeatedly on the floor inside the 5th Ave mall. Also having to be carried out of a shoe store.
Ever snorted a drink out your nose?: A few times. I’ve done it a lot with soda, and that shit stings!
Ever giggled like an idiot?: Constantly.
Ever embarrassed yourself and pretended nothing happened?: Duh.
Ever tripped in front of someone you liked?: Yes, and in heels no less. Lucky I’m not a bloke.
Ever said something really stupid?: That would be my basic speech pattern.
Ever fallen off a bed?: Yes. One time I landed on my face and smushed my nose to the side.
Ever sleepwalked?: Yeah, I’ve woken up in the shower a couple of times.
Ever sleep talked?: Yeah, “I want a diet coke”, “give me back my cookie”, “no, no more purple monkies”, I’m a regular chatterbox.

What's your best memory?: I don’t neccesarily have one, because I have too many to choose from. Also it’s hard for me to remember what exaclty happened as opposed to having rememered something I’d like to have happened. Sometimes, it’s difficult to discern one from the other.
Worst?: Pretty much any time someone has fucked me over. It’s not strictly limited to boys I’ve been involved with, but also friends and family. It’s hard not to forget those.
Do you have a good memory?: Not especially, but I have enough of one to hold grudges.
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