Oct 25, 2004 01:17
Looking back at my to-do list from Friday, I realize how badly I did completing that list.
- Debby @ Twice Is Nice wasn’t buying. I was really frustrated because I called earlier and asked her to call me back. She didn’t. So I ended up trucking all this stuff over to the store, only to find out she wasn’t buying. It was pretty rude of her not to call. Plus I had been counting on that money, which makes it even worse. I had a couple bills spring up on me last minute and had I know about them, I wouldn’t have spent so much money. Damnit.
- I have been trying to get a hold of Crystal all freaking weekend. I’ve left three messages, two on her machine and one with her flat-mate. I am supremely fed up.
- My Torrid package came in, which included my costume. Whee! I’m so thrilled. I praise my genius in costume planning. Next year, I’m going to go as a doll. I’ve already got the design for the outfit, all I need is to put together a couple of patterns, and get fabric. I’m shooting for a Goth Lolita look with china doll modifications.
- I’ve decided to withdraw from school this semester. My heart and mind isn’t into it. I’m going to concentrate on getting a job, establishing a budget, and figuring out what I need to complete a degree. I’ll have to take summer classes, but I don’t mind. I need to sort out shit now.
- Due to an accident involving a hot-dog, an emergency load of special darks wash rushed ahead of the reds. The reds are waiting for their shot in the washer, but with the return of my brother’s smelly camp clothes, it doesn’t look like they’ll get in soon.
- The house is virtually clean. The stairs need to be vacuumed and the upstairs bathroom needs to be cleaned, but everything else is clean. Go me. I still think I should get some compensation for this shit. Damn Gary’s out-of-workness.
- My room is still a mess…as usual.
- I didn’t get a chance to go to my storage unit to clean, but I’m going to hit it tomorrow. Anyone with some time to kill is most welcome to help me in exchange for tasty baked goods. I’ll provide bandanas as dust filters.
- My car is in the same state as my room. And I couldn’t care less at this moment.
The Pumpkin Carving Party went off okay. There seemed to be tension with a couple people, but I won’t go into that here. The pumpkins were fabulous, and I love the grimace on mine as he sits on the dining table. I wish we could have made more of a day of it, but I was really, really tired. I got up at 9:30 and didn’t go to sleep until after 4:15 this morning.
I’ve been feeling so terribly moody. I went laughing so hard I was crying at the pumpkin carving, to crying my guts out when I was taking a bath last night. I feel so out of sync with my body and my emotions. I don’t know what to do. Anyone have any insight on this? Any help would be great.
Argh. I need to do something to get out of this.
Lyrics of the Day
What kind of paradise am i looking for?
I've got everything i want and still i want more
Maybe some tiny shiny key
Will wash up on the shore