Outside - Pirate vs Ninja

Mar 19, 2010 22:10

Leo breaks the surface of the lake with a great heave of water. He lets out a bit of a laugh to himself and pushes his hair out of his eyes ( Read more... )

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pirate_jack March 20 2010, 02:16:57 UTC
His earlier smug cheer has been replaced by a distinct frown.

As Jack wanders along the edge of the lake toward the Caribbean inlet, he's distracted and muttering to himself.

"Funeral, he says. I'll give him a funeral."


"Another one, even."


ginsu_master March 20 2010, 02:27:22 UTC
Leo pauses mid-bend, his hand just touching his sword. He looks up. And squints.

That looks kind of like a pirate. A very bandy legged pirate. Muttering to himself. With a fancy hat.

He thinks about how Raph described Mikey's pirate, ah..."friend".

"Flash bastard," he repeats to himself.


pirate_jack March 20 2010, 02:36:13 UTC
Beads rattle as he swings 'round to consider the new arrival.

"Think you're meaning me cousin, mate."


ginsu_master March 20 2010, 02:45:23 UTC
Leo tips his head. Captain Morgan the day after Cino de Mayo flashes through his head in Raph's gruff tone.

"No," he eventually says. "I don't think so."

"Captain Jack Sparrow."


pirate_jack March 20 2010, 02:48:20 UTC
"I see you've heard of me."

Jack eyes him for a second, then grins, gold glinting from a tooth as he does.

"'Fraid you've got the advantage, however. What's your name, then?"


ginsu_master March 20 2010, 02:51:09 UTC
"I am Leonardo."

He bows at the waist, never taking his eyes off the pirate.

He smiles. "Michelangelo's older brother."


pirate_jack March 20 2010, 02:53:04 UTC
Black eyes widen rather sharply.

"Oh bugger."


ginsu_master March 20 2010, 02:57:07 UTC
Leo unrolls his shirt that is carefully wrapped around his twin swords. They glint in the moonlight.

"I do not believe we have had the pleasure. My brothers have spoken about you. Slightly."


pirate_jack March 20 2010, 02:58:45 UTC
"I'm bloody well sure we haven't," Jack retorts, taking a single step backward before planting both booted feet solidly.

(Despite that, he sways back and forth as if blown by a breeze.)

"Have they, now?"


ginsu_master March 20 2010, 03:04:41 UTC
Leo stands fully upright and folds his hands placidly behind his back.

"Yes," he says simply. "I have been curious to meet the man that knocked up my baby brother."


pirate_jack March 20 2010, 03:07:40 UTC
"Well, now you have."

He makes a horrific face even as he says it.

"Not that anyone would ever have gone thinking it was possible. Funny old world, innit?"


ginsu_master March 20 2010, 03:10:24 UTC



pirate_jack March 20 2010, 03:13:30 UTC



ginsu_master March 20 2010, 03:20:46 UTC

"I do feel it is my duty as eldest brother to defend his honor. Though he is more than capable, even in his current state."

"Call it..." Leo gestures in the air. "Big brother's prerogative."

All of this said very calmly and matter of fact.


pirate_jack March 20 2010, 03:24:00 UTC
"Technically," Jack points out, "it was the lady's honor you should be defending, excepting for the part where it was all her idea to begin with."


ginsu_master March 20 2010, 03:29:03 UTC
He tips his head, shrugs. And smiles. Very politely, mind you.

"Big brother's prerogative," he repeats.


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