May 07, 2008 06:13
My gosh, it's been about forever since I posted. I was prompted to start up again after running into Shubbe and xomox and realized how much I missed them. I havent been posting but I also havent been reading so I am completely out of it in terms of what you all have been doing.
Since it would take way too long and be way too boring to catch up with the past, I will just say that everything's been fine with me. I will start from today. So, I did a tiny short run around the barton springs pool area (running buddy overslept) then I had to climb the fence to get into the pool for a dip. The electricty had gone out and the gate must have locked. After I was in, the guard showed up and unlocked things. While I was climbing the fence it made me remember that my mother and I would climb over it to sneak in less than 10 years ago. She was close to 80 years old back then. I hope I'm like her when I'm her age (88).
OK - so, I will try and read some of the past posts of my LJ buddies to catch up at least a little and I hope to post at least a few times a week.