Its that time of the week again, yep Friday! When Gin updates pictures of what she did the weekend BEFORE! I swear I will get the hang of this posting in a timely manner thing.
So Dr. Faustus can kiss my pretty little behind... well. he could if he hadnt been torn to peices by demons and dragged down to hell at the end of the play. Either way I finished my essay and turned it in with thirty minutes to spare. And frankly I think I did a darn good job of it.
International Dinner night was yesterday. Kara made spinach lasania..I swear English is my first language but I still cant spell to save my life. I blame hooked on phonics. It was delicous either way. I really look forward to Thursday nights. Next week we get German food!
Going backward as it were, Wed. was our first rock climbing lesson with the rucksack club. It took us twenty minutes to find the rock climbing facility. Guess where it was. Well, I'm sure thats a very good guess but its wrong. It was in an old converted church. We are talking gothic architure on the outside and various rockwalls on the inside. It was really cool. Where the pulpit used to be the rock walls went right up across the ceiling. At one point I watched this boy handing upside down from the top point and though, "Damn that looks hard, hope he doesnt fall." Just had basic instructions and got to scale a few walls and was introduced to bouldering. Unfortunately, my instructor had to leave earlier so I just ended up coming back to work on that damn essay. I'm really excited about next Wed's lesson and will bring my camera to take pictures.
Its time for DA DUM! pictures of ST. ANDREWS!!!! WOHOOOO!!!!
Our little outing to St. Andrews.
Kara, Mickey, Mikko, Christina and myself set out for St. Andrews via a thirty minute bus ride. I'm glad it was only thirty minutes because frankly I dont like the bus and the bus doesnt like me.
As we came into the town, Kara got this picture. Since we were on a bus and it was moving, she was very proud of herself, as she should be. Everyone say "YAY KARA!"
After we got off the bus, it turned out there was a little farmers market not twenty feet in front of us. They only had a few little booths but it was very sweet. They sold a lot of eggs, meat, soap and potted plants. One booth was smoking fish. Whole fish.. in cauldrens and doing something with carpet.. I'm not really sure about that one. I got some olives, greek olives. They were delcious.
After the market we headed into the town. St. Andrews is adorable. Cobbled stone streets, small stone houses, lots of flowers. It was really just so nice to walk around there. This is the middle of the main road. Kara is not with because she's taking the picture.
After lunch, we headed to the St. Andrew's Castle. Alright it was more like the St. Andrew's ruins but was still amazing. It sat right on the edge of the sea, as you may notice by all the water in the background.
Mikko thought it would be fun to take a close up picture of me. It was cold with the wind coming off the sea, so I didnt protest much, because that would have cost me warmth.
Before actually going onto the grounds, they had this neat little history of the castle exhibit you could walk through. I decided I would help out the guy building the walls. It was a really heavy bucket. The guy was very greatful.
Kara, though really sweet natured most of the time, decided to mock the poor guy that was going to be burned as a heretic. I dont think he found her very funny. I thought it was pretty funny though.
This is the biggest part of the main part of the castle that has survived. If you look closely you can see Mikko pretending to be Rocky.
Kara saved me from certain death. I love Kara.
Heres a view of the courtyard and the remains of the outer wall. Isnt the sky lovely.
Pensive Mikko comtemplating the sea.
Three lovely ladies soaking up the sun. Ok there wasnt much sun, but we soaked up as much as we could.
So one of the neatest parts of the castle was the mine and counter-mine. Apparently, in 1546 the castle was underseige I want to say by the English, and I think thats right. The English decided to tunnel under the castle and try to calapse the outer walls and destroying the castle's defense. The castle got wind of this plan and decided to build a counter-mine and intercept the English before they were able to complete their mine. They had a couple false starts because all they had to go on was the sounds of digging. Eventually they did intercept the English's tunnel and drove them out keeping the castle safe for a while longer.
The awesome thing was you could go down into the mines. This is taken in the English mine. Christina and I show off how spacious and well finished it is. It even has steps.
Now this is the Scottish part of the mine. This is what you had to crawl through to get to the English part. Really creepy like something out of a horror movie.
Mikko took the opportunity to show off his modeling skills. He aspires to be an Ambercrobie and Fitch model one day... only a Finnish one.
Our next stop was to visit. St. Andrew's Cathedral and it was beautiful.
Yes! It was ruins as well! That seems to be a theme in St. Andrews... either way it was still lovely. The grounds were huge, and at one point it was a monestary. You could see where the old buildings had been and some of its magnificence when it was whole.
Some thing very interesting was the graveyard. After the buidlings were no more they just started using the space for graves, so in places you have gravestones where once buildings stood. There was something very out of place about it, almost like an indoor graveyard. It was truely beautiful though.
Mickey looking very artistic and German in the graveyard.
There was one tower remaining from the orginal cathedral. You were allowed to go up it, but to get to the top you had to climb a million steps of this small tight spiral stone staircase. Christina and I trudging up the steps, you got kind of dizzy going around in so many circles.
At the top the view was breathtaking. Heres the view of the town from the top.
It was also very cold up there, with the wind coming in from the sea. I think the picture is black and white to show how cold we all were... or maybe it was just Mickey trying to be artistic again.
One last view of the cathedral.
And so we left St. Andrews triumphant as the first astronauts that went into outer space and returned... alive.
Alright so we're just international students who made it safe from St. Andrews.. but there were perils... and we were there.
I will leave you with this last picture. Its a picture Mikko took of a piece of grafitti and well I think it speaks for itsself.