Name: Abbie
Age: 15
Describe your personality positively in seven words: Clever, Bubbly, Funny, Strange, Kind, Optimistic, Open-minded.
Describe your personality negatively in seven words: Loud, Impatient, Lazy, Mischevious, Procrastinator, Self-Concious, Forgetful
Do you have any talents or special skills? I draw fairly well, as well as sing.
What do you do on your freetime, if you do have freetime? Draw, or play video games.
What annoys you?
When you're really hungry and people tell you what they're eating and it just makes you even more hungry, Waiting for packages to come, and being stuck in video games.
What is important to you, in your life? Right now, I'm really not sure. Friends and family of course, but I've yet to recognize anything else that is important.
How would your dream lifestyle be? Simple, and with as few sad times as possible.
Do you have a goal in life? If so, what is it? A singer or voice actor, or to be something at least useful and enjoy it.
What are your thoughts on yaoi love? yaoi love is cute as long as one of them isn't a wife , significant other wife beater.. D:
What do you think of the Amantos? gtfo. D: Samurai FTW!
Which Gintama characters do you like and why? Sakamoto, because he's so happy and smiley~ D: Okita, because he's cute, even if he is a sadist, and Katsura. His joke outfits make me giggle.
What is your favorite recurring joke?
Gintoki's perm. Hahaha.
Find something special about you, and tell us about it. It can be a weird thing that happened to you, a strange habit, anything.
I always say the worst possible thing at the worst possible time. D8;;; Thats usually what happens if I ever get in trouble for something at school, haha.
You can post a picture or two here, but please, no cosplay: