20 Years Ago, I...
1) had a short-back-and-sides hair-do, that may or may not qualify as a crew cut, which I wore slicked back with gel
2) only had access to TV and a flush toilet at school and between the hours of 7pm and 8am for 6-8 months of the year
3) was one out of 2 girls at Royal Oak primary who were beginning to develop breasts
15 Years Ago, I...
1) could still see well enough to get around without corrective lenses
2) played 'Bet' in the school production of Oliver Twist
3) was cultivating an image as a 'brain' because the otherwise I was 'the boobs'
10 Years Ago, I...
1) I was heavily involved in AMERICA, the Auckland Uni roleplaying club, hanging out in the alcove
2) had never been drunk
3) was in a relationship where I was an acknowledged friend, dirty secret lover but never girlfriend, while he had a string of acknowledged girlfriends
5 Years Ago, I...
1) was in round 1 with Russ
2) was living on my own in Takapuna
3) had just lost a lot of weight
2 Years Ago, I...
1) was in a long-distance relationship with a lawyer in Wellington
2) was drinking more frequently at work than anywhere else
3) had recently returned from a brief trip to Athens
1 Year Ago, I...
1) was anticipating receiving my birthday present from
opencage, almost 3 months after my birthday
2) was about to change the fact that I hadn't had a dentist's appointment for 6-8 years
3) was doing a lot of swimming
So far this year, I've...
1) totalled my car on the Harbour Bridge and bought a new one
2) got a promotion that I thought I wasn't going to get
3) been to Las Vegas
Yesterday, I...
1) finalised a conference report for a bigwig
2) bought a nice gerwurztraminer for with tonight's dinner
3) donated money and received a breast cancer society bracelet in return
Today, I...
1) drove in a hailstorm
2) ate a tim tam with a pink and caramel filling
3) will make a thai curry for dinner
Tomorrow, I'll...
1) probably finish reading Dead Beats (a Dresden Files book)
2) commission some articles
3) pay the electricity bill