I'm here

Apr 26, 2003 16:08

I know that I have been pretty much a recluse this week. I'm dreadfully sorry about that. The classes this year have been much tougher. And Percy is really counting on me to redeem the family name when I take my OWLs. I hope that I can live up to his expectations. I've already received five owls from him about studying schedules and the dangers of staying up too late.

I heard that Harry and Malfoy have been up to some mischief. Harry always was a bit odd. And I cannot even go into Malfoy. He needs a good Mediwizard to examine his psyche.

And Neville. I ran into him a bit ago. Seems he is in a bit of a quandry. He has a crush on someone that I never could have imagined. He has grown up a lot over the summer. He is still goofy old Nev, but he is very dashing! Who knew he'd be a cutie? The fly in the soup is that he also likes someone else. Someone who everyone expects him to get together with. I told him that he should follow his heart. I stand by that. That bit of philosophy has helped me through many tough spots.

I'm dashing out to the library now to pick up a book on Herbology that Nev recommends will be helpful for my OWL in that subject.
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