On War and Unicorns

Jun 04, 2003 10:34

The House War between Ravenclaw and Slytherin has been very intense. It may seem insensitive to say this, but I really am glad that for once it is not Gryffindor and Slytherin. It stands to reason that those two Houses would feud anyway. The Ravenclaws are so smart and the Slytherins think they are so smart. Is it wrong to laugh over the fact that a game of Tiddlywinks is what set this whole thing off?

Colin is keeping his "token" from You Know Who. That distresses me, but he will not be swayed. I guess it could not hurt to keep it, really, but I hate to think that anyone is getting the wrong idea. Or... is it possible that I have the wrong idea? What would I do if Colin actually accepted His offer? I heard a rumor that at least one of the students who received the letter has accepted. No one knows who it is, but I suspect Sally-Ann Perks. She is a Slytherin, after all.

Professor Black closed the Computer Lab today. He sounded very upset in his journal. I can't say that I blame him. I have been trying to stay in the Common Room whenever possible. I do not want to accidentally stray into the War.

Parvati and Padma have unicorns now! I am baffled! Unicorns usually love their freedom, but these two seem content to stay at Hogwarts. I suppose every witch needs a familiar. And a unicorn is just as good as any.
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