Feb 14, 2012 21:29
This was a very long, very angsty, ranty post about still not having a job, and hating every second of it. I'm just going to say one thing on the matter though...
WHY, for fucks sake, is it so hard for people not to give advise?
Bloody hell! I know you just want to help (which, well meant as it may be, is not only frustrating enough that I want to claw their eyes out every time they do it, but also insulting and making the problem bigger, not better) but would you please allow me the freedom and courtesy of not wanting to talk about being jobless every damn second of every damn day? If I RANT at you about how frustrating the waterfall of unasked for and unwanted advise is, and two minutes later, you are telling me that I should really try such and so, I really, really also meant you when I was ranting. If I tell you I really don't want to talk about this, I don't want to talk about it. Instead I unerringly get 'I understand... But have you tried yadayadayada' as a response.
Bloody hell people, I have a gazillion methods for finding jobs already. They cost me so much time and energy that I'm slowly turning into a wreck. The problem is not that I do not have enough strategies to find a job. The problem is that there ARE NO JOBS. I've by now made it a point not to mention the subject of jobs. To anyone. In any conversation. And yet anyone I talk to makes it a point to spend at least (the very very least) 10 minutes in every conversation telling me what I should be doing to find a job.
Fuck. You.
(at least frustrated and angry is a step up from sad and passive, yes?)
real life