The costuming bug

May 01, 2010 19:23

Random Note:  As some of my fellow sufferers might say: I've caught the costuming bug!

The costuming bug is a serious viral disease that has a lot of incubation time but, once caught, has consequences that are very visible and devastating. The virus leads one to spend all one's time pondering new or possible future costumes as well as costumes that are already being made or have been made in the past. One has an enormous drive to make said costumes and will spend much of their time and money on said costumes. The costumes one attempts to make will be more and more outrageous, leading to strong feelings of distraction, stress, inferiority and euphoria in turn.

The costuming bug is not highly contagious but is thought to be passed by air when more people suffering from this illness gather in one place as well as by contact. Early symptoms include a desire to sew or learn to sew, preoccupation with and great admiration for other people's costumes, displaying ideas for costumes - not yet taken very seriously - and preoccupation with current, historical or fantasy-themed fashion.

So yeah, I have only just thought out and started my regency costume (which I still owe you guys a post of squee on) and I've already got the next costume all thought out. It's a steampunk costume and I'm seriously psyched about it. It should technically be possible to make both before the first weekend of august (Castlefest), but it'll be a LOT of work. Not that I terribly mind...

There you have it. She's a little wind-up-robot, and quite banged up as you can see. I haven't quite figured out the rest of our story, but it's quite the adventure! And there's most definitely airship pirates involved because... Because.There's wild plans of doing a steampunk group with a bunch of my friends from dancing (who are also into fantasy events and costumes) so I'll have a whole bunch of people to go with.

I must say I'm pretty proud of the drawing as such to be honest... Not too shabby for someone who draws as rarely as I do! (And yes, I know the left leg of the one facing the front if off, she's supposed to have her foot on some kind of rock or device or... Something, but I forgot to draw the actual rock. Yeah. ^^;;;

I already own the corset, the pieces on it are just a case of handsewing some pieces of fabric on it with big stitches so I don't ruin the fabric of it. The boots are going to be a problem, but if I have to I can see about borrowing some from friends (though I fear my feet will hate me for it). I also own a simple black top hat which I don't mind killing to open up the back so I can put the radars and such in.

The drawers (the long underwear thingies) and shirt are fairly easy to make pieces so no problem there. I have a pattern that I can adjust easily enough to a shirt. That leaves the skirt. And the skirt is the problem (if you can call it that). It'll require a lot of metal work. And a lot of sucking up to my brother. (Brother dear knows someone who has a scrapyard and he could quite possibly gain me access to the appliances for metal working on his school :P). I used to do a lot of this kind of creative metal work back when I was a lot younger so it's not like I can't do it. It's just... ages ago. And I don't have access to the appliances I did then. So yeah. We'll see.

At least a friend of mine is rumored to have a whole box of little radars and wheels and such that he used for his own steampunk themed costume. So I could probably have a pick from those. I'd get my h_johanna  (who is a fabulous artist and way above that kind of thing, really) to do the body paint required. We already have the apropiate bodypaint for the gears(gray, black, gold, silver, bronze)  and the rest can be done with liquid foundation pretty easily)

I have a lot of white fabric that I won't all be using for the regency dress, so chances are good that I can just die it and use what I have left for this costume so it won't be very expensive either (I hope!). Just a lot of work... Oh well, we'll see. The regency dress needs to be finished first since that came first. Also, I'd need to make the iron construction under the skirt first before I can do any sewing
so yeah, there you have it.


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