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Mar 01, 2006 17:21

Can you all believe it is March?? I feel like my life is going by so fast. It seemed like yesterday it was august and i was starting school. So much has changed since august. I don't even want to think about evrtyinhg that is different. Most everythign is much better now though. I am a lot happier now. I think i have grown up a lot actually since school started. Gosh id on't know whwere this is coming from. So i don't know about everyone else, but i am soo mad that peopel in high school can get on college facebook i think that is the most RIDICULOUS thing i have ever ehard. Why in the world. Should they be allowed to get on there. Sorry all u people in high school, nothing against u, but whyw oudl u want to be in a college students list?? Well my paretns put my dog to sleep today. Long LONG story, and im really mad about it, but i will get over it i guess. So i actually ahve some free time to update this thing. I never have anytime anymore. I am so busy with work school homework and chad, that i never really do anythign else. Im not complaining though. Well school is still school. My econ teacher comes in and says we are having a midterm next week. Well its on 7 chapters which i dread...... i don't want to take it but oh well. Other than that classes are ok. Work is goodi have my good days and i have my bad ones. Thank God today was a good one. Sometimes we are soo busy i can't even think, and others like today i can really get caught up on everything. My friends??? I coudln't even tell u i haven't done anything with them in FOREVER so i don't really know how they are. I do miss them though. This weekend we are supoed to go to johnson city and shop for spring formal dresses, so lasha when u read this message me we want to meet up with u!!! Well then this weekend i hope to do somethign with chad. All i know is saturday night wea ren't doing anythign ebcause ih ave to study.
So im sure everyone is wondering how everythign is going with him:
Well i coudln't ask for anythign to be different. We get along so well that its almost scary. He is exactly like me and i have never been so comfortable someone this soon in my life. Well honestly ihave dated people for a year before and never felt so good around them. He makes me feel amazing. He always compliments me and im not used ot that at all. He is so sweet and thoughtful, and i can really get used to that. I honestly cna' think of a reason why i would break up with him. So things are wondeful. I look forward to waking up every day because i know i am goign to talk to him or see him. Its so ironic that not too long ago me and my mom were talkign abotu guys. I was reall yupset one mornign at like 7 and me and her were talking. At the time i was talkign to someone i didn't like an di was tryign to get out of it. I told her i dreaded seeing them. and she told me one day i woudl meet someone i never wanted to be apart from and that i would know it was right. Well thats exactly how it is with him. Everythign feels perfect when we are together. Its like we fit together just right. Like when we hug, kiss, or hold hands. Its like everything is meant to be that way. I coud'nt ask for anything better, and i feel soo blessed that he is in my life.
Well thats all
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