Title: Gift of Moonlight 1/?
Rating: This Chapter pg-13 for a little bit of adult concepts.
Pairing: Eventually Oz/Wes
Summary: Set Post New Moon Rising (Buffy Season 4) and post She (Angel Season 1), Oz is wounded and arrives unexpectedly in LA looking for help. Wesley wants to take care of him,
Disclaimer: Joss owns them, not me. I’m just borrowing.
A/n: Merry Christmas to my dear friend Purpledodah.
It was the howling that called to Wesley. The pain and anguish even in the howl was clearly evident. Someone was suffering there, was no other word for it. He charged out of his apartment only to find someone completely unexpected. Bleeding profusely, Oz was laying in a crumpled heap, half way between werewolf and human.
“Oz, my God what happened to you?”
But he younger man seemed in capable of speech. Wesley checked his pulse; it was rather weak.
“I’m going to take care of you Oz, it will be all right.”
At long last the howling stopped, and Wesley managed to get Oz inside.
Oz woke up nude and it frightened him. He began shifting immediately to werewolf.
“Sorry Oz, I had to see the extent of your injuries. Its all right you, its just me Wesley.”
Oz took a deep breath, and was once more fully human. His eyes however were still fearful.
Oz sounded completely confused.
“Its all right, you made it to LA, although you’re wounded. I bandaged you up quite well, and I do so hope it will be enough.”
”You have some clothes I could borrow?”
”Yes certainly. They may perhaps be a bit long, but should work.”
Oz nodded. Wesley darted out of the room, and returned moments later with an armload of clothing. Oz sat up, and then Wesley helped him dress. Being a short sleeve shirt, made the shirt fit well, but the pants was in fact somewhat long. Once Oz was fully clothed; they began discussing the younger man’s injuries.
“So you have a sprained ankle, several bruises, and some cuts. Fortunately none of them seem to be infected, some are quite large. If you don’t want to do go to the hospital I don’t believe it will be necessary though.”
“Are you hungry Oz?’
“A little. More tired than anything.”
“Perhaps it would be wise to eat a small snack and then I’ll help you to bed.”
He brought Oz an apple and watched him slowly bite into it. A bit of juice dribbled down his lip, but Oz licked it off. He continued to bite until it was all gone. Then Oz looked hopefully at Wsley.
“Bed then?’
Oz nodded. So Wesley put his arm around Oz’s waist and helped him to bed. He carefully tucked the covers around oz, and then watched as the werewolf immediately dropped off to sleep. Wes then grabbed a spare blanket from his linen closet and settled himself on the couch. He would decide what to do next in the morning.
The sun’s rays came in through the window and warmed Oz’s face. He was glad to be awake from the nightmare he’d been having. Oz looked around anxiously. Where was he? Oz sniffed the air and smelled the reassuring scent of Wesley. The ex-watcher was safe ground; he was a friend. The rumbling in his stomach caused him to decide to look for food. The door creaked open, and Oz assumed a defensive posture.
“Oh good you’re awake Oz. I’ve made breakfast.”
Oz forced himself to relax; Wesley was his friend.
“Food would be good,” admitted Oz.
He sat up and then carefully stood up, uncertain of how the weight would feel on his injured ankle. He managed a few tentative steps, but then Wesley had to help him.
“Lean on me Oz.”
When they made the required steps to the kitchen Wesley pulled out a chair for Oz who gratefully sank into it. Oz’s eyes widened at he plateful of food. There was a blueberry muffin, some bacon, eggs, and toast. Oz began eating rapidly, his appetite had returned in full. Wesley went to the sink to get a glass of water; he’d already eaten.
“When you’re done, I need to go to work.”
Oz suddenly looked terrified.
“Don’t leave me.”
Wesley touched Oz’s hand.
“I promise I won’t. I was planning on bringing you to work with me.”
”So, you work for Angel?”
Wesley nodded.
”Good, he needs to hear this, and he can help me.”
Wesley tried to hide his disappointment; surely Oz would know that Angel wasn’t he only one who could take care of him. Certainly Angel would be the preferred protector, but he wasn’t the only one who could help Oz. So lost in thought was Wesley that he barely noticed the clatter of Oz’s fork falling to floor. An eerie moaning sound issued from Oz and caused Wes to finally take notice. The younger man’s eyes had widened in some remembered terror.
The concern in Wesley’s voice seemed to get the younger man’s attention; his eyes began to focus on Wesley.
“I’m sorry,” whispered Oz.
“Its quite all right, you’ve done nothing requiring an apology. I was however concerned. What happened to you Oz?”
Oz’s eyes darkened and he looked suddenly upset.
“It’s a long story. I only want to tell it once.”
“Best wait until we see Angel then.”
Oz nodded and the discussion was closed.