1. Reply that you wish to take part, and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee!
This one is because Willow/Oz rocks. Its a classic Buffy ship, which was cute and fun, got deeper, had some issues, overcame them, got better than ever, and then ulimately ended. I still adore it, even though its been over since season 4. I just love it.
This icon is actually from Spike's dream, he realised his growing feelings for Buffy, but she was still dating Riley. I did still manage to find it quite hot and wonderful. It proved they had chemistry to me. I started using this icon long before I saw the episode it was from.
This is one I like cause Riley looks utterly cute. I love his smile. And, It was finny to see him dressed as a cowboy. Not real likely to happen in real life I can tell you. This is from a dream sequence at the end of season 4.
This is from a contest we had last month over at strip_off_Angel. I was on team Angel, and the object was to write as much about your character as possible, or do artwork if you know how, but we all know that isn't one of my abilities. IT was made by dear zoe. I neglected pretty much all other writing in favor of Angel shipping, and learned to ship Angel/Wes, and ANgel/Xander that month.