Nov 07, 2006 10:10
Hi LJ Friends! It's been forever since I have been on, but now I am searching desperately for a hotel room to share/crash space for both Friday and Saturday night of Philcon.
We were not going to get a room since we live very close to Philly, but we think we are going to be staying up very late, due to a late arrival on Friday and hopefully a successful late Saturday night of playing "Are you a Werewolf". (Not a LARP, an amazingly fun game that you can learn fast and play all night. Addictive.)
We know we waited too long. We know the hotel is sold out. We have contacted the hotel liaison to see if there are any cancellations or people signed up looking for roomies.
We are willing to pay our fair share of the cost of the room. Giving fair warning that we will be likely to stumble in quietly after 3 a.m. both nights. Non-smoking would be nice, but not going to be picky at this stage. bed space for 2 or even floor space with pillows and blankets.
Have no worries, we will be there regardless. I just may need to be zombie driver.