A few things about my life so you know I'm not dead.

Nov 29, 2012 19:55

1. I'm dog proofing my house because I'm dogsitting this weekend. We'll see how Gatsby reacts.
2. I'm having terrible nightmares. The first one basically came true. The second I hope doesn't because it involved somebody stealing files from our office, a police guard on Randy and my houses, and the sheriff shooting himself in the head. Seriously detailed and scary stuff. I was awake for about 2 hours in the mddle of the night because of it.
3. I'm eating popcorn for dinner despite a number of more responsible choices existing in my kitchen.
4. My alma mater is going to play in the Big 10 conference championship game on Saturday.
5. I'm renting a house that is really too big for just me and Gatsby. It has a ridiculously large master bedroom. Like, bigger than my last apartment big. And I just use the first floor. The basement is practically just as big.
6. There's a limited number of places I can eat here because I'm law enforcement.
7. I've been in bed since 7:00. Partly because I love my heating pad and electric blanket.
8. My health insurance kicks in this weekend!
9. I don't know what emu oil is, but I've apparently been rubbing it on my body.
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