Something to think about

Mar 05, 2007 23:05

So, my roommate Sarah brought up a good point today.  Why does it take two people to start a relationship, but only one to end it?  Where is that fair to the other party?  Sometimes it can work that both parties choose to end it on equal terms, or one person had to get the balls to speak up for what both of them were feeling, but usually, that's not the case.  So I understand where she's coming from, but why stay in a relationship if you aren't happy and there's really no other way to fix it?  It's not fair to either person in the relationship if one person really isn't into it anymore.  Both people are being cheated out of a real and whole connection with someone else.  There's no reason at all to stay in a relationship in which you are not completely happy.  Sure, you can try to make yourself happy in it by attempting to fix the areas that have trouble, but sometimes that just isn't enough to make it work and then it's up to the one with the doubts to bring the whole thing to a close for the betterment of both parties involved.

I don't even really think that it takes two people to actually start a relationship anymore.  Most relationships start from a sort of physical attraction that slightly progresses into attraction to some of their other characteristics.  I know the last two relationships I've been in have just become assumptions that we're dating because of the mutual preliminary attraction.  There was no traditional 'hey, I like you, we should try seeing each other for awhile and see what becomes of it', just a 'yeah, we're dating now cuz we both seem to be attracted to one another in some sense' that catch even you off guard when you actually stop to think how the whole thing started.  While that's all fine and dandy sometimes I wonder where all of the courting went.  I would love to be courted, okay, maybe not, but it would be nice to experience the rituals of dating again, or at all even.  It's been awhile.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I was courted before I was actually "going out" with the guy.  I don't want it all the time.  It's cute every once in awhile for the guy to do something sweet, but really. . .unnecessary.

I just don't know.  I wish things were more simple, but then it wouldn't be life.  Well. . .here's to dreams of youth when life was easy and the toughest choice that had to be made was which dress to wear on the first day of school and getting the right valentine to the right person on Valentine's Day in 1st grade and the only dates you had were those play dates set up by your mom. 
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