Well lookie there....

Feb 19, 2014 17:37

First of all... Twice in just over a week. That's pretty amazing for me. Heck, I even managed to post a comment or two over the last week. Shocker.

Really, though, I had an epiphany this weekend and wanted to share. Because really, who else would I share this with? (Poor Shug, cuz I realised it this weekend and talked her ear off because of it. LOL!) Anyhow, I think I know why I've been devouring the Snermione fic over the last month. Nine years ago, last month was when I began reading SSHG to begin with.

But even better. Today, yes, TODAY... is the 9 year anniversary of the posting of the first fanfic I ever wrote. I actually wrote that little one-shot 9 years ago when I posted my plea last week for fic recs.

I know. It's not 10 years, but who knows where we'll be in 10 years and it struck me to look at the dates over the weekend. :) So there you are, probably the real reason I've been reminiscing. Heck, it was enough to make me want to read through my long-abandoned WIPs to see if they were fixable (they totally are) and if I was inclined to actually fix them (we'll see).

Anyhow, THANK YOU for the fic recs last week. I've actually been reading Aurette's stuff over the last several days and enjoying it immensely.

*If you have anymore SSHG fic recs PLEASE send them my way*

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