I'm sick. I hate being sick. It sucks. Hubby's sick too. So, my poor kids are on their own today.
So, what am I going to do?
-Go to the store to get more cold supplies. Foods for the kiddos to fix themselves, meds, Kleenex, and honey for my tea!
-Finish beta reading Not Only a Granger. :P
-Finish reading Falling Further In. (Nope, I've never read it before, it's that WIP/abandoned status, but people kept assuring me that it was at a 'satisfying' point in the story.)
-Work on A Slip of the Tongue. The chapter is started (about 1000 words) and is plotted. Really, it's depending how it plays out as it's written if this will be 1 or 2 chapters, but they will be written together... after that is an epilogue. (Yes, really.) Unless, of course, nothing goes as planned, which has been known to happen more than once for me.
-Fold laundry. I have loads and loads of it. Remember my New Year's NOT Resolution? Erm... yeah... didn't work.
Oh, and I am following the flock:
Get your own valentinr