May 10, 2008 07:33
So... haven't been updating. Again. Since school is already over, but I've been lazy most of the time. The ony things occupying my time are Hannah Montana (yes I'm actually trying to watch every episode, excuse the naïve preteen in me) and LPEP (the frosh welcoming thing wherein I freak out people by being Sadako and giving away candy at the same time).
I failed a subject, which is a major disappointment for me and my parents. Because of that, I'm not allowed to cosplay or attend any conventions unless my parents are 100% sure that it wouldn't conflict with anything related to academics. So for now, the only event I'll be attending is for JICC thing this July because our school was invited and the department head took it. So yeah, I'm cosplaying out of necessity (which sounds totally ironic).
I really hope I won't be delayed because of that 3-unit major subject. I want to graduate on time with my friends and go to Japan together (if we manage to scrape up enough money by begging from our parents). x_x
I've been tagged about 3 times already, but I always forget to do this. Forgive me. ^^;
1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person should post 8 facts of themselves.
3. Tagged people should write a journal\blog about these facts.
4. In the end tag and name 8 people.
5. Go to their pages and comment saying that they are tagged.
1. I despise people who speak in Japanglish ("You know that baka number ichi? He thinks he's so kakkoi demo he's not.") but please don't get me wrong. I don't mind people who do it for the lulz (they're amusing most of the time) but gaaah... the people who actually think they're superior because they know something else other than "baka" and "kawaii". LEARN SOME PROPER GRAMMAR, PEOPLE.
2. My manga folder is over 10GB, but it would have been over 15GB if I didn't delete anything. And have I mentioned it's purely shounen-ai/yaoi? ^_^
3. My favorite threat to guys when they piss me off is that I'll chop off their you-know-whats, then make them mince, fry and eat it themselves. Oddly, it works. For girls (and sometimes guys too), it's gouging their eyes out with a spoon. It works too.
4. I've been studying Nihongo for almost 2 years already, but I'm still nervous when I try to converse in pure Japanese.
5. I used to get an almost-daily fix of bacsilog (bacon, fried rice and egg) from my favorite stall in Agno (the alley behind our school that sells yummy street food). I had to stop because it was affecting my health.
6. I have a major crush on Dante Basco (yes, the fangirly type of crush), partly because he's the one who's dubbing Prince Zuko. Other than that, he's an awesome dancer. *squee*
7. I really miss ROTC, especially AGTI (Annual General Tactical Inspection). We only had around 120 cadets that time (already including those participating in the comprehensive exams, M16 assembly/disassembly, etc.), the lowest in DLSU history. PMI (Philippine Maritime Institute - every school's biggest rival) had more than 300 cadets just for the field events. Each of them had to participate in just one or two, more than half of us had to participate in all four (Ranks Inspection, Arrival Honors, Pass-In Review, Close Order Drills). It was still fun though. And we totally kicked PMI's butt. :D
8. I tend to have this really bad blurry-picture streak more than half the time, which is a major disadvantage because I love taking pictures (me = photographer wannabe) and plan on having a decent dSLR someday. I hate my shaky hands. DX
I refuse to do #5 because I'm lazy, so I tag anyone who's interested in doing this. ^_^