Feb 13, 2007 18:33
First and foremost: thanks to those who comforted me when I went into angst/emo mode. You wonderful people know who you are. ^_^ *hugs*
So now that I'm more or less un-emo, let me tell you people about these past few days. (pardon my incoherence... I still can't think straight because of today)
ROTC training is harder than ever. We've been carrying M1 rifles all day last Saturday in preparation for the AGTI (Annual General Tactical Inspection) on the 25th of February. It made my arm slightly immobile for the next two days. And we're going to train for the whole day on Saturday. I just hope that my arm won't fall off that time.
LEAP class today. Had judo with Hope. 'Twas really fun. More guys than girls, though. The guys were really good too (I couldn't do the rolls properly and the guys were just too damn good for first-timers). And Hope and I were all giggly because of the grappling boys and one of the instructors (whom we dubbed as Uke-sama because he's really clingy with the boys... and he named the rabbit drawing on the board "Usa-chan"). It was practically a yaoifest... and a live one at that. ^_^ (I swear, I think I should cut down on reading very well-written gay literature)
We've made some pairings too:
- Overall captain + Captain of the Men's Team
- Everyone + Uke-sama
- The guy wearing the orange shirt + his judo partner
Then I proceeded to Cello's to eat lunch with Leanne, Karla and Pk. Kuya Chris was also supposed to come. We were supposed to take away his Cello's virginity but he didn't show up. Meh.
Random thought: I love having cable internet (we started having it 2 weeks ago), being able to play The Audition and watching YouTube in real time. ^_^