Summer break at last

Jul 09, 2008 14:33

Wow, I haven't posted at all in two months.

Honestly I didn't have a life these two months, because all I did was get my head down and study (almost like a freak). Exams are the scariest time of the year. Not only do you feel really nervous about them, but you also lose sleep because of them. I actually used to get up in the middle of the night thinking I've forgotten everything only to be proved wrong (thankfully). I ended up writing very good exams in the end.

Finally, they are over, and I can relax now. No more horrific nightmares in the middle of the night to scare me. I just want to finish my WIP George/Luna fic as soon as possible. I really missed writing and fanfiction!

*bounces up and down in excitement*


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