Hit an run

May 15, 2005 23:11

yesterday was a good day overall. went to a play with fallon after we hung out with shawn and ashley got some wendys free frosties yum. After we got frosties we chillaxed then went back to fallons so i could get my car. I headed home and then fallon came and slept over it was a good night. Woke up hung with fallon for awhile then after fallon left i picked up laura with the jetta we came back to my house and waited to go out to dinner. As we were leaving i looked at my door and this is what i saw

Needless to say im not FUCKING happy about it and it really pisses me off some jack ass decided to hit my car at fallons last night and just drive off and it gets better i dont have insuance. I sure as hell have no money to pay for it, since i dont have insurance their is no reason for me to even file a police report because what asshole will admit to a hitt and run...

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