closed: Another Day, Another Hospital Release

Aug 26, 2016 16:40

Ginny was signing the last of her release papers a few hours after her last game. She took a rather nasty fall off her broom, blocking a goal, and saving the day. She was mentally preparing herself for the headlines in the paper tomorrow. They always made it seem like her most recent injury was her last injury. The one that would do her in. Well, Ginny would never give them that satisfaction, her healers never did her wrong. Sure, there were some minor scars here and there, but she'd never let a few bumps and bruises take her off the field. She'd walk off on her own terms when she was good and ready. And that was not today. Or tomorrow for that matter. And for fuck's sake- she wasn't that old!

As she walked toward the Floo, the thought came to her that one day she and Harry really should just get their own permamant ward. Between the two of them St. Mungo's was practically in their regular weekly rotation. They could decorate it up and it'd be really a home away from home kind of thing. Her nose wrinkled up at the thought- maybe that's a little too serious.

The green flames surrounded her and transported her to her favorite bar not too far from her place. She grabbed a paper, a drink, and settled into her favorite dark corner. It wasn't that she didn't love her fans or anything, but she did just regrow a few bones and all. Or, maybe it was because she'd just felt a bit distant from most everyone lately. Dealing with everything wasn't her strongest suite. She probably didn't process and feel everything she needed to in order to actually be ok, but that emotional stuff was for Harry these days. What with his therapist having him tell her all his feelings. Whatever.

She was fine. She had her friends, a pretty awesome career (no matter what they say), and most of her family. Yeah, she was totally fine.
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