Larw an' Ordure

Feb 19, 2009 23:38

So I just watched the first episode of Law & Order I have seen in, literally, years, because Patrick Stump and Jesse L. Martin (aka Collins from RENT) were in it.

Honest to god, and I'm putting my neck on the line here, I don't see what the hell is so appealing about this show. It's not exciting, most of the acting is horrendous, the situations are hardly believable, and the plotline moves far, far too quickly to actually be understood most of the time. When it does drag on, it's for all the wrong things. Everything just seems too convenient. It all falls into place too easily. Where's the conflict? The drama? The...anything to keep people watching this show with enough fervor that they can produce 80,000 reincarnations of the exact same thing?

This show really didn't seem to have any substance, and it wasn't just this episode. Every single time I've watched this I've come away going "...that's it? Where's the literary devices?" If this is what 'good' writing is then what the hell am I working so hard for? Of course I asked myself the same question after reading the Twilight novels, and I still don't have an answer...

Also a guy got clotheslined by a cable while riding a bicycle. Now unless there are certain laws of physics I'm not sure about here, even if you're peddling away from the cops, you should not be going to fast as to get choked to death by a brief contact with a hanging cable. Unless he was electrocuted, but, um, if that were the case detectives wouldn't touch his body afterward. So yeah. Weak plot devices ftw?

So yeah yeah yeah. Bitchity bitch bitch. Same old song and dance for me, I know. But I'm seriously wondering where the world is going if this sort of bland entertainment is what we call 'good'.


I'm too lazy to log onto the bandom journal, but I can't stop listening to Single Ladies by Beyonce ever since I saw this clip of Brendon Urie dances set to it. Ma vie, pour serieux.

bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch, television will rot your brain

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