(no subject)

Oct 09, 2008 22:55

So I haven't posted today and I don't think I did yesterday, so I figured 'why not now?' Especially since I'm cleverly using my ninja skillz to avoid homework.
SPEAKING OF NINJAS, Miss Misu the Shoulder Monkey fic you sent me was positively adorable. It made me slightly like Creepy Lizard Man, which I know all of my Bleach friends will be happy to hear. I still love Chad, though, and you cannot take that away from me. *stubborn face* (And speaking of Bleach, Maur, put #15 into your backpack please?)
Also, that got used against me today. We were having a 'study party' and we ended up playing Never Have I Ever (or, if you're me, Ne'er Hath I E'er), and stupid Ryan got me out with "Never have I ever had an unhealthy obsession with Chad." But I did win one game against Maur who is an everything virgin. I think that counts for something. I had a good day today; no one died overnight and everyone ate lunch, which is normally a difficult thing. We watched a positively terrifying movie called Bang Bang, You're Dead in health and I almost cried and nearly shook myself out of my seat, I was so scared, but it was such a good movie. The only downer was chemistry; I sit right next to a friend of mine who likes to complain about the teacher THE ENTIRE CLASS, especially when I'm trying to sleep.
This might require a bit of explanation. See, my chem teacher sort of reminds me of a less-awesome, more illiterate version of Tosh - very intelligent but intensely awkward. She does NOT know how to deal with people, least of all a bunch of chatting teenagers who are hungry, tired and irritable. She's a bit spacey and does not pay much attention to the world around you. Also she picks up dry ice with bare hands. THIS IS A BAD IDEA SINCE DRY ICE IS ABOUT -20*C. And she is also the most confusing person ever, to the point where almost everyone who has her for a teacher attempts to switch out of her class. There, that's that rant.
But anyway, yes, my friend complained for the entire hour and a half. I wrote a note to Sidney, we talked after school, we played stupid teenage games, Maur and Jack switched pants in public (Zoe, are you sad that you left early now?), Kazzy got sad, then we all went home and I went to sleep. Overall, a good day.
So yes, that's me. I've avoided doing homework for fifteen minutes or so. So here's the question:


Edit: Also my room randomly smells like tobacco and I'm wondering who is smoking what that I can smell it up on the third floor with my window cracked.

real life

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