I have heard the same episode of "In Plain Sight" six times and am considering going insane

Jul 22, 2009 02:28

I had an entire entry here earlier, but I deleted it, because it was a bunch of shit, a fuckton of me trying at deep and coming up whiny. Instead of that, I'll post this:

I have concluded that there is true love for the people who go out and look for it actively, and I have concluded that that is what I want. That is my goal. I'm going to find the one person in this world that I'm meant to be with, whether it's love or friendship (aren't they the same thing, though? In all honesty, they are. There is no love without friendship and there is no friendship without love, and maybe that has been my problem all along.) or whatever, I'm going to find you. So to this person who I've never met, hello. My name is Alex Leigh, and I love you.

As an explanation of this: it is three in the fucking morning, I can't sleep, and I've been staring at this with tears in my eyes for the past half hour, trying pointlessly to find the meaning in something that has no meaning to me. I'm not in a right state of mind and I feel off. But I meant what I said and I said what I meant, and to my soulmate, I will find you.
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