Oct 22, 2008 19:10
So, I'm trying out Live Journal (as opposed to Dead Journal?). I'm planning to post news about my writing here as well as bouncing around some story ideas and things like that.
As for news, most recently Wicked Gentlemen won the 2008 Spectrum Award and I think I'm still blushing nearly two weeks later.
I've signed a contract with Blind Eye Books for a second book set in the word of Wicked Gentlemen. Originally I'd planned for the story to be set at least a decade in the future and follow a new set of protagonists, with Harper and Belimai as background characters. That plan was rightfully over-ruled by a number of friends who thought it made a great outline but wanted more time with Harper and Belimai.
But it does bring up one tricky concern of mine, which is point of view. In the original Wicked Gentlemen Belimai's point of view was written first person, which was fine when the story was all from his point of view. But I'm thinking that the sequel will move back and forth--every other chapter-- between Belimai's perspective and Harper's. So I'm wondering if the change from first person to third and back would be jarring.
If anyone has an opinion, I'd love to hear from you.
wicked gentlemen sequel,
ginn hale,
wicked gentlemen