Jul 16, 2003 18:58
The Baby's Cry
By Tanya LeBlanc
It's early still, the month is one,
And my life has just begun.
I'm so small, don't have to hide,
I'm but a seed growing inside.
Four weeks later, the month is two,
I'm still small but a part of you.
You'll love me a lot, wait and see,
You'll be proud as proud can be.
Time has passed, the month is three,
Now, I'm someone you can see.
My hair is black, and my eyes are brown,
I'll be fun to have around.
Now, I'm gone, the month is five,
Mommy killed me, I'm no longer alive.
Abortion is the name they gave it,
They take your life before you live it.
I wanted to be born, the month is six,
But it's already done, it can't be fixed.
I guess my mommy didn't love me,
She went and just threw me away.
She'll never forget me,
Forever in her heart is where I'll stay.
I have a new home now, the month is seven,
Congratulations, Mommy,
Guess what, I'm in Heaven.
Mommy still carries around a frown,
Cause I'm in her memory, but not around.
You would have loved me, the month is eight,
But guess what, Mommy, it's too late.
Murdered by my mommy's hand,
I guess I'm too young to understand.
Goodbye, Mommy, the month is nine,
I could've been born, doing just fine.
Although I'm here in Heaven, I still cry,
Because of my mommy, I had to die.
Mommy, mommy, the year is one,
And my life could've just begun.
Mommy now the days have gone by, it's year two,
And I can almost tie my shoe.
Soon, I'll be three,
And you would've been too busy to mess with me.
A long time has passed, and the year is nine,
I would've been happy down there with you all mine.
Now look, Mom, it's year 18,
Oh how the time has passed,
I've become a woman,
And I wouldn't have been able to last.
Well, goodbye Mommy, it's time to go,
I love you, I guess you should know.
But Mommy I see and I know,
That always and forever in you heart I'll grow.
Forever in your memory I've stayed,
And I see now that you've paid.
Jesus, Please Forgive Me
By Wyatt Lafferty
I only blame myself
When my child was slain.
There's now a hole in my heart
Filled with sorrow and pain.
I'd give anything in this world
To know his or her name,
But I made a bad choice one day.
Now my life will never be the same.
What I did was wrong,
And now I know,
Because the pain I feel inside
Is telling me so.
I wish it was all a bad dream
Or a nightmare I could forget,
But it's not, and it will stay with me forever
For it's something I'll always regret.
My girl and I made a decision,
But there's something we forgot,
About the person's life we were affecting,
What he or she might have thought.
We acted very selfish
And thought only on our behalf.
Now we'll never see our child smile,
Speak, or even laugh.
I will never have another
That I can not provide for and love,
'Cause the next time I won't be forgiven
From the man up above.
Jesus, please forgive me
For the decision I made that day.
I'll have to live with it the rest of my life
And forever I will pay.
My Children
By Grymalkian
My Children?
They have all been slain.
The emptiness inside is now
filled with pain.
I ache to have wondered
and known their names;
I will not take another,
not ever again.
My children...
Have all but died.
Even a son who still lives,
but is kept from my eyes.
I hurt somewhere deep down,
where love hides.
I will never share another;
I cannot even provide.
My children were only concepts
and future dreams.
Within the heartbeat of a second,
that forever leaves.
I will never want another
I cannot hold or see.
My children had no names,
none of their own,
just a letter or number, file closed.
Procedure done.
The pain is more costly,
then the pleasure I gave.
I am sad deep down,
My children have all been slain
and I don't even know their names...
Never Had the Chance
By Jesika StarwatcherYou never got to see the sun,
The moon, or a shooting star.
You never combed a dolly's hair,
Or raced a toy car.
You never saw snowflakes,
Or a flock of geese in flight.
You never jumped in a pile of leaves,
Or chased lightning bugs at night.
You never got the chance to laugh,
Or the chance to cry.
Because someone made the choice,
That said you had to die.
Only God Knows
By Jesika Starwatcher
My poor child, I'm sorry,
You never got to live.
I didn't understand,
All I thought of was "What if?".
What if I had to quit school?
What if my parents knew?
I was just a child then,
I didn't realize, so were you.
My precious little baby,
Who you were, only God knows.
For I killed you without punishment,
Thanks to the death sentence, "Roe".
Partial Birth
By Elizabeth Smart
A part of me will always be gone
I realize now what I did was wrong
I will always be trapped in a world of denial
I'll never get to see your sweet, warm smile
I often catch myself wondering what you'd look like
The texture of your hair and the color of your eyes
It makes me feel weaker everyday
As my soul slowly dies
I want to hold you and cradle you to sleep
But I let you die and
For that I will always weep
I want to see you learn and grow
But that's something I'll never get to see or know
A piece of me has been taken away
I hear your cries every day
After the surgery I felt relief
But now my life is full of grief
I see mothers with their babies and
It makes me cry
How could I let my own child die?
You'd be 3 months old today and
I wish and I cry and I hope in some way
You will understand and
Let me hold your helpless hand
My life is gone
It's been taken away
It all happened on that dreadful day
I will always be scarred
My cheeks will never by dry
I will never stop asking myself why
I let a doctor I didn't even know
Rip you from my uterus and let you go
As my life continues to slip away
I hope you can forgive me soon
One day
By Mary Dougherty
To the unborn children that will never be
I say this silent prayer:
To all the powers that ever were
And those we are yet to see,
I say this silent prayer to you,
For the babies that will never be.
I cry silent tears each day
For the tiny little souls
That will never have the chance, it seems,
To know what this world may hold.
Someone has made a choice for you,
To take you from this world.
I pray that you are in the arms of an Angel
Surrounded by perfect love.
If it's the will of God, I am at peace,
Though hard, I understand.
If man is the one that ended your life
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
And though it's not much my tiny one,
I cry inside, you see,
To assure that someone loves you,
The child that will never be.
My Name Is Misty
Author Unknown
My name is Misty
I am but three
My eyes are swollen
I cannot see
I have been punished
With cigarette burns
My neck is broken
My head won't turn
I'm really just
An expensive joke
No more, no less
Than speed or coke
When I'm awake
I'm all alone
The house is dark
My folks aren't home
Be quiet now
I hear the car
My dad is back
From Charlie's Bar
I hear him swear
My name he calls
I press myself
Against the walls
I try to hide
But it's too late
His face is twisted
Into hate
He strikes at me
Again and again
Oh dear God
Please let it end
My name is Misty
I am but three
Last night my father
Murdered me.
By unknown
Mommy keep me safe
Mommy keep me warm
Handle me with care
Help me shape and form
I'm six weeks old today
and the gift you gave to me
is a pair of bright blue eyes
so that one day I might see.
I've already got my arms and
little things called toes,
I'm looking forward to my life,
icecream, snails and fairytales.
Where are you going I wonder so quietly,
In a bath or on a bus so far away,
Why are you lying down, being pushed
on all four wheels this way,
This usually doesn't happen,(BANG)
going throught the doors.
Many people wearing green,
Mommy alot is happening,
I'm starting to cry
Mommy come quickly their forcing me to die,
their killing me mommy
their pulling me apart,
my arms, my legs, their getting to my heart
Good-bye Mommy Good-Bye,
Thank you for trying
but I wont see the sky
or the trees or the grass
and I wont feel the breeze
I love you mommy I really do,
I wish you could have loved me too.
Abortion (in hopes to change the mind of one mother.)
life was started when two became one
a miracle happened when it was done
a new baby grows inside of his mother
a special child unlike any other
inside the womb this baby is lying
wondering why his mother is crying
he eagerly awaits the day of his birth
where he can enjoy this beautiful earth
"Mom don't be sad. Just wait and you'll see."
"I'll make you happy and so proud of me!"
"Wait! This is too soon mom I can't tell you how, "
"but mom you must help me . . . I need your help now!"
"Please give me the chance I deserve."
but that was the baby's very last word