Sep 20, 2005 20:33
well, after last week's organic and physics tests i just can't find it in me to take my physiology test (which is tomorrow) seriously. stupid though because it should be an easy A. ok well its not and easy class exactly but comparatively it should be an easy A. and i'm not treating it with much respect. will that bite me in the ass? maybe, i guess we'll see. i'm fairly proud of my preformance thus far considering science is not exactly my bag. 90 on physics and and 83 on organic (side note: that 83 would be a 91 if test anxiety hadn't caused me to completely overlook 8 points worth of problems-i mean somehow i always seem to be able to shoot myself in the foot). i just want an A in one of the two. i won't be greedy.
i did, by some miracle of chance, manage to get myself the pre-vet's dream job working as an assistant in the exotics department at the vet-school. the word on the street is that if you work at the vet school to get your experience, and you are competitive as far as everything else goes, you're basically golden as far as getting in goes. one of the guys that works there was saying that if you work there its amazing how when it comes time these people can just waves their hands and things magically happen for you. which is all very exciting yet i feel nervous. the vet school is insane, there are zillions of people always runing around, surgeries going on around every corner, plus that place is enormous. and honestly i don't know too much about ferrets. and on top of all that i'm pretty sure its time-consuming, as in 20 hr work weeks on top of school. its freaking me out a bit, thats no lie.
I'm going to go home this weekend finally. i'm a little worn out. not much relaxing happens on the weekends in athens. i need a bit of rest i think. plus i am so ready for some steeler football with the family.
the cat coalition has began. they turn against us and plot about how to be as bad as they can in the night.
its time to cool down weather. its the middle of september, cut us some slack! these 94 highs are killing me!
i wish i had more interesting things to occupy my mind other than school. its time for some creative stimulation. i also kind of wish i could read a book and write a paper on it. ahh, those were the days.