1. State your name and how do you know me. My name is Mary and I know you through...uh...school? Color guard? Wait. I don't remember. 2. Name of your school? MONTCO UNIVERSITY FOR UNDERACHIEVERS 3. what are you majoring in? If I get into UofT I'll major in Linguistics or East Asian Studies (Japanese!!) 4. minoring in? Being lazy? YES 5. Do you play World of Warcraft? HELL YES YOU BET
This or That 1. Cow or Pig? PANDA 2. Red or Green? Green, at the moment 3. Pencil or Sharpie? Sharpies are awesome for everyone 4. live on Mars or PLuto? I'm kind of fond of breathing, so I'll go with neither. 5. live with a Shaman or a Witch? Nerf shamans!! I'd live with a witch. 6. kill your mom or cat? Which one can make me a sandwich more quickly? That's the one I won't kill.
write down your first thought when you see this word. 1. Massive == stomach 2. Homophobia== idiocy 3. Telephone== scared 4. Gnome== warlock 5. Linux== penguin 6. Grandmother== heart 7. Boobs== waterbra ;_;
opinions 1. what do you think of World of Warcraft,and why do you think that? I think it is the great evil to happen to mankind. It zaps up all my time and energy and it's full of babbling morons. But I love it.
2. if there is any place you could be, where would it be? Harajuku, TYPICALLY. God, I suck. Beijing with my buddy ;_; London!!
3. Gini has a boyfriend,huh.. is she a fool?(write reasons,too!) GG noob do what you want
4. does women has rights to kill their embryo/fetus/zygote, or gov's? YES WOMEN HAS RIGHTS TO KILL GOVERNMENTS
5. Name one king you like and his accomplishments. I liked Henry VIII of England and how he accomplished killing 3 wives and getting enormously fat. And suffering from gout.
6. Napoleon was one of infamous dictators,right? That's...not really an opinion question so much. To stir things up, I'll say NO.
7. Chess is a cool game,yes? It's boring, mostly because I don't have the intellect or patience to have fun with it.
8. Gay Marriage. AHH! or Cool!? COOOOOOOOL!!!!11111111111
9. religion- which one makes most no sense? Scientology. RICH PEOPLE ARE GULLIBLE. Yeah, ok, pay us a million dollars to brainwash you and you can be picked up by an alien spaceship. O heavenly salvation!
10. rather hang yourself up or being in a Judas Chair (inquistion chair that hurts alot) LOL @ "hang myself up" The former, I suppose.
3. what are you majoring in? If I get into UofT I'll major in Linguistics or East Asian Studies (Japanese!!)
4. minoring in? Being lazy? YES
5. Do you play World of Warcraft? HELL YES YOU BET
This or That
1. Cow or Pig? PANDA
2. Red or Green? Green, at the moment
3. Pencil or Sharpie? Sharpies are awesome for everyone
4. live on Mars or PLuto? I'm kind of fond of breathing, so I'll go with neither.
5. live with a Shaman or a Witch? Nerf shamans!! I'd live with a witch.
6. kill your mom or cat? Which one can make me a sandwich more quickly? That's the one I won't kill.
write down your first thought when you see this word.
1. Massive == stomach
2. Homophobia== idiocy
3. Telephone== scared
4. Gnome== warlock
5. Linux== penguin
6. Grandmother== heart
7. Boobs== waterbra ;_;
1. what do you think of World of Warcraft,and why do you think that? I think it is the great evil to happen to mankind. It zaps up all my time and energy and it's full of babbling morons. But I love it.
2. if there is any place you could be, where would it be? Harajuku, TYPICALLY. God, I suck. Beijing with my buddy ;_; London!!
3. Gini has a boyfriend,huh.. is she a fool?(write reasons,too!) GG noob do what you want
4. does women has rights to kill their embryo/fetus/zygote, or gov's? YES WOMEN HAS RIGHTS TO KILL GOVERNMENTS
5. Name one king you like and his accomplishments. I liked Henry VIII of England and how he accomplished killing 3 wives and getting enormously fat. And suffering from gout.
6. Napoleon was one of infamous dictators,right? That's...not really an opinion question so much. To stir things up, I'll say NO.
7. Chess is a cool game,yes? It's boring, mostly because I don't have the intellect or patience to have fun with it.
8. Gay Marriage. AHH! or Cool!? COOOOOOOOL!!!!11111111111
9. religion- which one makes most no sense? Scientology. RICH PEOPLE ARE GULLIBLE. Yeah, ok, pay us a million dollars to brainwash you and you can be picked up by an alien spaceship. O heavenly salvation!
10. rather hang yourself up or being in a Judas Chair (inquistion chair that hurts alot) LOL @ "hang myself up" The former, I suppose.
King VIII's accomplishment is also fighting the church for divorces and started his own church that allowed divorces. he was a cool guy!
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