In Which I Am Daring

Dec 07, 2006 16:55

Alternate titles include: In Which I am Clever, Brave, and Charming; In Which I Defy Everything and Everyone; In Which I Get Some Exercise

This morning, today held within its dark, yet snowy grasp, the promise of being GREAT. We were expecting LOADS of SNOW, No Homework, And A HALF DAY. So at school I eagerly awaited the 10 o'clock bell, signalling our release into the world again. I jogged to the bus with the snow and joy of the world swirling all about me, ready to go home and have something good to eat, and maybe start on my Chemistry Children's Book, but probably just take a nap.

I was dropped off at my house, and I strode to the door, my key in hand.
But as I readied myself to put the key in the lock, I stopped.
Because I totally forgot we changed the locks and in my hand, I held the old lock's key.

I did not panic, but it was really cold outside, and we are expecting 8 inches of snow for gawdsakeman. So I got my cellphone, which mumsey told me to only use during Times Of Emergency and dialed her number.

But what was this?
A Busy Tone?!
I dialed again
I dialed my friends that were already out of school, but they were too busy playing a MMORPG that they too gave a BUSY TONE!Those darn NERDS
The neighbors were not home, and I looked at my bag that I had set beside me to get my cellphone out of, and it was already covered in snow.
So I decided to take a walk.
I walked to my brother's elementary school, because he has a key that works. So I walked to the school.
I strode into the office, and brushed off all of the snow that had accumulated on my shoulders, and asked if I could be shown where Mrs. Cantzler's Room Was Please.
And the ladies in the office just sort of stared at me.
And I was like,
I walked here. I need a key to my house.
So they pointed me to the PORTABLE CLASSROOM OUTSIDE, and I had to search for it. In the Snow.
So I went in, and all of my brother's bratty little classmates asked a lot of questions, I got the key, walked back home, and took off my pants.

It took an hour to get into my house, and it is good to be home.

adventure!, cold, half day, locked out, hungry, bratty kids, snow, warm

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