My Summer Reading List

Jun 27, 2007 03:05

well, with the few suggestions that I have gotten, and just random books that I have chosen, I have come up with my summer reading list. Some will be re-reads, and some are new, but I will have plenty to read this summer.

and now the list (in no particular order)

  • Fahrenheit 451
  • Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (well duh... lol)
  • books 7-13 of A Series of Unfortunate Events
  • His Dark Materials trillogy
  • 1984
  • The rest of the Potter books before DH comes out (got to re-read ... like everyone else :) )
well... thats all I have for now, I'm sure I will pick up more books along the way, I tend to read a lot a lot... so compared to the 20 so odd books I read last summer, this is a small list, but... eh... I'll find more, and of course I am still always open for suggestion :)

oh.. the new icon.. totaly from dramaphile who rocks my gryffindor sox!

reading list

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