I have decided to move my humble webl from LiveJournal to WordPress. After careful thought, I have resolved to take the plunge into
Web 2.0. LJ seems to lag a bit behind. It's so... 2004. My main issues are that it has limited support for RSS and
Technorati tags, and the interface is just a tad clunky and restrictive. I now manage the
new blog out of my own site. Phasing out LJ is a bit painstaking, so it will still be a while. I have already transferred my previous entries, but I have yet to import all the comments. There are some
other blogging alternatives, but I really like
WordPress. You can run it on your own site, or get a free (and, yes, fully-featured) WordPress account. It is snappy and extensible, from the user interface to authoring tools. I have also already posted some new entries
on it. So farewell, LiveJournal, and thanks for all the fish.