America's never gonna give you up...with his dick

Apr 01, 2010 11:58

I swear there is no April Fool's tomofoolery in this post except the title, I just have been too busy to post until now :'D

Ah, first day of Easter Break and THE SUN IS SHINING AND SNOW HAS MELTED(it'll be back. But I'm just surprised, we usually have a blizzard around this time O_O) and I don't have to go to school until Tuesday <3
I'm dogsitting my neighbor's dogs(<3 they're Shiba Inus df;ldkf socute) and I'm going to spend most of break at work(I /always/ have to work on holidays...I worked Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and Christmas Eve, New Years..well, horses gotta eat everyday, so...) or doing yardwork for my grandma, buuut...

First order of business, a meme
By law of "anyone with more than three vowels in there name must do this", tagged by sapphire_pyro 

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1. I have to sleep with one of my hands stuffed in the pillowcase. Otherwise, I'll be up allll night.
2. I talk in my sleep. All the time.
3. As an obsessive-compulsive, I compulsively count things and get really angry if it's not a multiple of four or five. I recount using various rules like not counting vowels after the first time they are used until I can make it an acceptable number. I like multiples of four because if you divide them in half they're still even. I guess I just like fives for some reason xP
4. I collect pamphlets. Especially ones in other languages.
5. The only sport I consider myself good at is badminton.
6. I'm double-jointed.
7. I couldn't ride a bike without training wheels until I was eight or nine.

I tag everyone who manages to avoid getting rick roll'd today(the Durarara fandom got me this morning. It was epic)

So, on a less happy note, my RL best friend Kim(kaigu, the girl who was Plushy in that Figure Skating "cosplay") has been in the hospital since Monday :/ They haven't a clue what's wrong with her, and nothing they've tried has worked so far...I visited her Tuesday 3: 
There was a Turkey vulture on the ledge by her window.
Yeah, and we were planning to do something for the Equality Prom tomorrow, but since that obviously can't happen and I can't find my dress, I wore my business suit(that I have for Academic Decathalon /shifty eyes) to school yesterday with a sparkle-and-rainbow filled sign explaining what I was doing.
And this morning I got a text from Kim asking me to visit her tomorrow on my dress so her being in the hospital wouldn't ruin our plans. ksd;fkfksd;fk Awwww I feel so bad that I can find it now 3:

Annnd a very happy birthday to nuclearxsquid <3333333!

Also, for all those skating fans out there, basically all my current favorite skaters(Brian Jewbear Joubert, Zebraking Stephane Lambiel, Evgeni Plushenko, and of course our dear Swan Johnny Weir) performed together in Russia earlier in the week <33333
And from this finally comes a good video of Johnny's new Bad Romance routine(which I have been waiting FOREVER to see) 
He's a free bitch, baby.
...oh god, his outfit...yes, that appears to be half a tutu.

ranch, figure skating, birthday, work, kaigu, meme, lgbt rights, horses, holiday fun

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