Menu for week of May 25-31

May 22, 2013 14:07

Going to try something new. There is a "detox" program out now that is called The Plan by Lyn-Genet Recitas. I decided that I would try the first three days of the program later this week and see what I thought.  The things that I have looked up make it seem like it is a diet to try to figure out what you are allergic to or have sensitivity issues more than a standard detox.  Plus you actually get to eat.  And while I don't have any unknown dietary restrictions*, it may be one way to try to get over this plateau.
(And I know that Brian probably isn't going to do well with the Wednesday and Thursday meals, so he will get grilled pork chops and leftover steak or pulled pork and a baked potato or something)

Saturday - Brian out/Carma figure something out
- Trader Joe something
- Grilled or roasted pork tenderloin, sliced potato packet, green beans

Sunday - Ham, cheese, and spinach Frittata
- Creamy Chicken and Herb Skillet, orange glazed carrots, mashed potatoes
- Southwestern Quesadillas, Spanish Rice, Guac and salsa
Evening snack - Funky Monkey Fruit Salad

Monday - Pre-workout (trainer workout) - ½ banana and glass of milk
Breakfast - Mimi’s
Lunch - Steak cookout (probably a late lunch)
Dinner - Big Chef or Cobb Salad

Tuesday - Pre-workout (treadmill) - Yogurt drink
Breakfast - 1 c Greek yogurt, 1/4 c slivered almonds, 1 c berries, 1 slice toast topped 1/4 avocado
Lunch - 2 tortillas, 3/4 c black beans, 1/2 c salsa, 1 oz cheese (quesadilla) 1 c salad, 1/2 c veggies
Snack - 1 cup sugar snap peas & baby carrots, 2 Tbsp hummus, ice tea
Dinner - 3 oz fish, 3/4 c brown rice, grilled asparagus

Wednesday -
Yeah, no, this didn't work out well for me.  I did the first day and by supper I was all out of sorts (in many ways) and decided that even when I eat vegetarian, I try to get protein in me.  Even if it is beans and rice. So blowing off the whole Plan.
Breakfast- 1 cup Flax granola with 1/2 cup blueberries, Rice “milk”
Lunch- Carrot ginger soup - with sunflower seeds, steamed broccoli drizzle with orange oil and lemon juice, mixed greens with ½ pear and pumpkin seeds
Snack- 1 apple
Dinner - Sautéed kale/spinach, 3-4 carrots, onion, zucchini, shiitakes, and broccoli with spicy coco sauce
Grated Carrot and raw grated beet salad with pumpkin seeds

Thursday -
Breakfast - Flax granola with 1/2 cup blueberries, rice milk
Lunch- Carrot soup with sunflower seeds, greens with ½ diced apple& ¼ avocado, leftover broccoli
Snack- 1 pear with 8 almonds
Dinner- Leftover sautéed kale and veggies with 1 cup basmati rice with pumpkin seeds, beet/carrot salad with sunflower seeds

Friday -
Breakfast Flax granola with choice of 1/2 cup blueberries or 1/2 pear
Lunch- Mixed greens with 1/4 avocado, carrots and pumpkin seeds, Cream of Broccoli soup with chia seeds or sunflower seeds
Snack 12-15 almonds
Dinner - 1/2 portion chicken (2-3 oz) with Italian herbs and orange zest on a bed of mixed greens
Oven roasted zucchini, broccoli, carrots, onions, garlic and Italian herb blend- finish with orange oil and fresh black pepper

*The only thing that I restrict from my diet are cantaloupe (psychologically allergic to it) and things that I don't care for like capers or ricotta cheese.

menu, spring, diet

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