Jul 07, 2006 23:18
I got a new cell phone. It's cheap, but decent. Sadly, my father has forbidden any text messaging. Gyargh. It's annoying. But, oh well.
Monster (The kitten I am pawning off) is doing well. My mom calls the rest of the litter "Fucking raptors!" and "Devil cats!". It amuses me to no end.
Since July 1st, I have:
1. Become addicted to "Psych" and "House".
2. Dressed as a Victorian era prostitute in public.
3. Recorded a humorous message for my answering machine. (It's just "Hello?". Will confuse everyone.)
4. Eaten Chinese food.
5. Hurled a kitten across the room. (I was provoked, damnit.)
6. Ordered GIRLY SWING and Sweet Home Rock'n Roll Tour.
7. Bough salt and pepper shakers off of e-bay for my father. They're pink, by the way.
8. Bough a book.
9. Been through several severe thunderstorms.
10. Made my cell phone look like an acid trip. It's bright yellow, orange, pink, and green. With rainbow text. Really. It's neat.
I did that for April. YOU HAPPY NOW APRIL?