Going back!

Jan 20, 2006 19:40

I am SO ready to go back to school. I have been at home, which yes, has been relaxing and I love not having the stress of school, but I need to return home to school. That sounds like an oxymoron, but it's not.

So for the past month I've been babysitting and reading and playing Sims2. Actually, when I see it written out right there it seems a little lame, but it has been my life. Overall, the babysitting was a great experience for me. Chasing a 15-month old adorable boy has given me a whole new perspective on children and parenting and such. Of course I still want to be a parent one day, but honestly, by the time his parents pick him up at 5 I am SO ready for him to be gone. It's exhausting, even though he does take a 3 hour nap. Heck, I need a 3 hour nap too! In the end though, I really have enjoyed my time with Gavin (who I call Little Elf because that's exactly what he looks like) and seriously, I would do just about anything to make that little boy laugh (I make myself into a FOOL for him, dancing around, making noises with my mouth, etc...but that cute smile and giggle is so worth it).

I've been reading this book that we are supposed to read for our Zambia class. I thought it was going to be interesting. I guess it's interesting, but I don't really want to read about someone else's experiences in Africa. I want my OWN experiences, and I'm far too excited at the prospect of actually going in the very near future to enjoy that book very much. I guess it's given me a sort of painting of Africa, but honestly, I'd rather just see it all at once right in front of me in the flesh in May. I doubt I'll finish it.

I've also been reading East of Eden, by John Steinbeck, the past few days. It's GOOD people, for you readers out there (ahem Mainsy).

Sims2 is going swimmingly. I created 2 houses...one of bachelors and the other of bachelorettes. I've already married off two couples! And one of them had their baby today! I named her Amelia. I figure I should play as much as I can in these last few days at home because I'm not going to be playing that game for a LOOOONNNGGG time.

As for my Egyptian friends, I am so excited to see you. You two are probably the BIGGEST reasons I'm so excited to go back. I truly can't wait to hear all about your adventures and all of your reflections on your trip. And of course, I must see those awesome pictures!

Sooo tomorrow I'm doing nothing and then Sunday I'm going to my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary celebration. That's a long time to be married. Think of all the memories you would have stored up after you've spent 60 years with someone. That's so....nice. I want that. I am determined to have that.

OOOOkkkkkkk....Steph just got home so I'm going to go annoy her.
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