long long week to a sucky weekend :-(

May 15, 2005 21:18

I have one group of friends I see everyday and on the weekends(most of the time). THey rock my socks and keep me going. But I have another group of friends that I don't get to see everyday...I'm lucky if I get to see them once a month. They go to a different school then I do.

All last week I had been looking forward to the weekend. I would get to see my friends I don't normally see AND the guy that I like!! Of course it had to rain that day. No big deal the "party" moved inside. Well the friends from the other school just talked to their classmates the whole time...I got was pretty much shut out of must of their conversations...I had no idea what the fuck they were talking about. I'm also not an extremely talkitive person. So all in all Friday sucked ass. Then of course it rained again on Saturday and I had a yard sale to was running. So I probably won't see those people again for a whole nother year and they spent most of the time talking to their school friends...

GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! a) this totally doesn't make sense at all...even to me and I wrote it and expereinced it and b) I just put some of my personal thoughts on the internet.....*hits self on forhead*

Well I can only hope that the guy I mentioned either doesn't figure it out or doesn't read my live journal. I'm betting the latter is true. Dunn think he even knows I'm alive...No that's not true he does but only as a distant friend...*tear*
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