The meme continues!

Feb 20, 2012 22:42

So I totally did the Day 12 portion of the meme without realizing that I hadn't done the Day 11 portion yet. Luckily, I hadn't gotten around to posting it yet. So let's backtrack!

Day 11: Put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

Let's do this with my iTunes! Here were the first 10 songs:

1. "Collide", Howie Day
2. A song from Lost & Found's solo piano album, "Just George". I couldn't find the track listing online. It's, uh, track 4?
3. A song by a group called Medieval Baebes that Alex and I saw at RennFaire about...5 years ago? He bought the cd and I stole it from him. I didn't label these very well when I was putting them on Stanley, my old computer, so I don't know the title of this either--it's track 12, if you're wondering.
4. The brilliant University of Georgia a cappella version of Ben Folds' "You Don't Know Me"
5. Variation 16 from Disc 2 of Glenn Gould's performances of Bach's Goldberg Variations.
6. "Dante's Prayer", Loreena McKennitt
7. "So Sally Can Wait", Oasis. This is from a breakup mix CD that Gina made for me freshman year of college.
8. "Work Your Way Out", Ani DiFranco
9. "The Black Hawk War, or, How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and Still Feel Good About Yourself in the Morning, or, We Apologize for the Inconvenience but You're Going to Have to Leave Now, or, 'I Have Fought the Big Knives and Will Continue to Fight Them Until They Are Off Our Lands!'" by Sufjan Stevens. Of course iTunes chooses a song with the longest title ever.
10. Another song from that Medieval Baebes CD.

Apparently iTunes chooses the most random songs ever when on shuffle, because those are really bizarre and not at all representative of the music I have on there. My iTunes also goes through weird fixations--there was one time when I put it on shuffle and it played nothing but The Beatles in various combinations.

Hopefully I'll update tomorrow with what I actually had planned for today!
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